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'If all th' la-ads enthered into th' r- races with th' same spirit ye show now, I says, 'th' English flag'd be dhroopin' fr'm th' staff, an' Cyrus Bodley iv Wadham, Mass.,'d be paintin' th' stars an' sthripes on th' Nelson monnymint, I says. 'Whin we hated th' English, I says, 'an' a yacht r-race was li'ble to end in a war message fr'm the prisidint, we used to bate thim, I says.

Now they're puttin' Micksheen in condition, which manes all sorts of nonsense, an' plenty o' throuble for the poor cat, that does be bawlin' all over the house night an' day wid the dhread of it, an' lukkin' up at me pitiful to save him from what's comin'. Artie has enthered his name at the polis headquarthers somewhere, that he's a prize cat, an' he's to be sint in the cage to the cat show to win a prize over fifty thousand other cats wid piddygrees.

Fr'm thince he dhrifted into politics, an' become noted as th' boy welter-weight iv th' South Branch. He was ilicted aldherman at a time whin comparatively nawthin' was doin' in th' council. Subsequent he become a sinitor, an' later enthered into partnership with th' Hon. Jawn Powers in th' retail liquor traffic. Mr.

We must enter it it undher the head of let me see! it must go in the spirit account, undher the head of Profit an' Loss, Your good health, Mr. Connell! Nancy, I dhrink ta your improvement in imperturbability! Yes, it must be enthered undher the" "Faix, undher the rose, I think," observed Pether; "don't you know the smack, of it?