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They wasn't nawthin' else tuh be done," came the answer, as the boy grinned a little. "Bet you he helped his dad skip out, Max," was the suggestion Bandy-legs put up. "Did you, Jim?" demanded the other. "I sartin did that same, mistah," came the prompt reply, a little proudly. "Seen whar they done locked dad in the smokehouse. Tried the door, but it wa'n't no go.

Gammit, "I'd be traipsin' over here nine mile thro' the hot woods to ax yer advice, Mr. Barron, if 'twarn't serious?" And she began to regret that she had come. Men never did understand anything, anyway. At this sudden acerbity the woodsman stroked his chin with his hand, to hide the ghost of a smile which flickered over his lean mouth. "Jest like a woman, to git riled over nawthin'!" he thought.

'They'se nawthin, he says, 'that does a tip so much good as to give it circulation, he says. 'I think, be this time, he says, 'all me frinds knows how to proceed, but Great Hivins! he says. 'What have I done? Whin all the poor people go to get th' stock they won't be anny f'r thim. I can not lave thim thus in th' lurch. Me reputation as a gintleman an' a fi-nanceer is at stake, he says.

"Only I want it understood, right now, I ain't no guardeen, an' won't be, to nawthin' that walks in petticoats! What I'm thinkin' of is the old cow out yonder, an' them hens o' Joe's what I seen a-roostin' over the cowstall." "Them's all Rosy-Lilly's, an' goes with us an' her to camp to-morrer," answered Johnson with decision.

'Th' 'ell with me job, says Donahue. 'I'm not th' man to take wurruk whin they'se industhrees women with nawthin' to do, he says. 'Show me th' pa-apers, he says. 'I want to see where I can get an eighty-cint bonnet f'r two and a half. He's that stubborn he'd've stayed in bed all day, but th' good woman weakened. 'Come, she says, 'don't be foolish, she says.

"Wa-al, I knaws you said I warn't to take neither wan; but Jerrem he coaxes and persuades, and says you ain't to knaw nawthin' about it, and 'tain't nawthin' in it, only 'cos he'd a got a letter fra' she to Guernsey, and this was t' answer; and then I knawed, 'cos I seed em, that they was sweetheartin' and that, and "

You'm growed mighty fancikul all to wance 'bout what us is to do and what us dussn't think o'. I'm sick o' such talk. 'Taint nawthin' else fra' mornin' to night but Adam this and Adam that. I'm darned if 'tis to be wondered at if the maid plays 'ee false: by gosh! I'd do the trick, if I was she, 'fore I'd put up with such fantads from you or either man like 'ee. So there!"

Th' prisidint was slightly to th' left in th' long grass on his fifth, but, nawthin' daunted, he took a hoe an' was well out in siven. Both players were in th' first bunker in eight, th' sicrety iv war havin' flubbed his sixth an' bein' punished f'r overdarin' on th' siventh. Th' prisidint was first out iv th' bunker at a quarther past two, his opponent followin' at exactly three sixteen.

A dollar's worth av sugar, maybe, an' a fifty-poun' sack av flour, an' maybe a roll av butter an' a table full of nicknacks which they could do without an' winter comin' on like the lope av a coyote after a rabbit, an' them no better prepared than the rabbit, ner so, fer the rabbit's maybe got a hole he can duck inty an' they have nawthin' but the summer camp they've made, an' hammicks, by gorry, whin they should have warrm overshoes an' sourdough coats!

I grant you," said he, laying one hand on the other's arm, "I grant ye that maybe, maybe, mind you, you may know about mixin' flapjacks, and even about cookin' flapjacks. But wha' do you know about flippin' flapjacks?" He removed his hand from the other's arm. "Nawthin!" said he.