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There has been a great slaughter of our poor countrymen. I charge myself whenever I pass the Plaza, to say a paternoster for the souls who fell there. Senora Maria Flores Worth, I kiss your hands. I kiss also the hands of the Senorita Antonia, and the hands of the Senorita Isabel, and I make haste to sign myself, "Your servant, "LOPEZ NAVARRO."

The count hastened back to Spain and made known the proposed treachery to the Cardinal Ximenes, then prime minister of Spain. In the following month of January he was sent with thirty vessels and four thousand soldiers to achieve the enterprise. The expedition of Navarro was successful.

"He would remain in office so long as he thought Mexico required his services," he said in the course of the first abortive negotiations for peace before the capture of the town of Juarez by the insurrectionists, and the surrender of the Republican troops under General Navarro took the actual settlement out of his hand.

Here the lieutenant demanded that they be conducted to headquarters, to which they were accordingly sent under guard. Many of the narrow streets through which they passed were indescribably filthy, but these became cleaner as they neared the Casa Municipal. Here they were graciously received by General Linares, to whom they were presented by one of his staff, who recognized Navarro as a friend.

The men were weary with the labors of landing, and needed rest and refreshment, and Navarro deemed it unsafe to attempt anything more that day; but the energetic prelate bade him "to go forward in God’s name," and orders to advance were at once given. Silently the Spanish troops began to ascend the steep sides of the acclivity.

He's Jose Navarro, the most noted bandit in Andalusia. I've been making signs to you all day long, and you wouldn't understand." "What do I care whether he's a brigand or not," I replied. "He hasn't robbed us, and I'll wager he doesn't want to." "That may be. But there are two hundred ducats on his head.

It was therefore a trial indeed, something of a shock when she found they were to be the guests of Navarro, and when it was made clear to her that her own home had been dismantled and rearranged and was still in the possession of the Church.

Will you promise me to have nothing to do whatever with Fray Ignatius; and to resist every attempt he may make to induce you to go into a religious house of any kind?" "I promise you, Roberto. By my mother's cross, I promise you!" "Again, dear Maria, if you should be in any danger, promise me that you will do as Antonia and Lopez Navarro think it wisest and best." "Go with God, my, husband.

A few hours after the surrender of the city a powerful reinforcement arrived for its relief, but on learning of its loss the disconcerted Moors retired. Had the attack been deferred to the next day, as Navarro proposed, it would probably have failed.

But Sinān was no Suleymān; moreover, he was in a furious rage with the whole Order. He put the garrison all save a few in chains, and carried them off to grace his triumph at Stambol. Thus did Tripoli fall once more into the hands of the Moslems, forty-one years after its conquest by the Count Don Pedro Navarro. The misfortunes of the Christians did not end here.