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And certainly the hearing of naughty stories of us by the light of a grievous and vexatious instance of our misconduct must produce an impression. Countess Fanny's desperate passion for a man of the age of Kirby struck them as out of nature. They talked of it as if they could have pardoned her a younger lover. All that Lord Cressett said, on the announcement of the flight of his wife, was: 'Ah!

"Will she never come back?" asked Clarinda. "Oh, no!" said Jane decidedly. "Bony never brings people back." "Not never no more?" sobbed Clarinda, for she was weak-minded, and could not bear to think that Bony never, never let naughty people go home again. Next day Jane had heard more. "He has taken her to a Green?" "A Goose Green?" asked Clarinda. "No. A Gretna Green.

Sallie winked her eyes and looked again, for she thought her Grandmother Great smiled at her. Sallie looked hard at the picture, and Grandmother Great seemed to shake her head at Sallie. "Didn't your little girl ever do anything naughty with her forefinger?" asked Sallie. Grandmother Great smiled. "I had several little girls once, but they were all good little girls," said Grandmother Great.

The school children were very naughty children; they climbed up the bank, and, holding on to the paling, they mocked at him; and their mockery was to ask him the way to "Hill Cottage;" for his mother had had the name painted on the gate, and no one else in the parish had given their cottage a name.

You know that weakness sometimes causes men to act unaccountably. Forgive me for interrupting you. I won't do it again, as the naughty boys say. Go on, dear, with your story." I once more covered my eyes with my hand, as if to shade them from the light, and listened, though I could scarcely conceal my agitation.

From early morning till the hour when the unwilling eyes of the last of them were closed in slumber, she had not a moment's respite. There was always something to be done, some one to be coaxed or cautioned or cared for. The little Lees were not naughty children. On the contrary, they were very loving, affectionate little creatures.

How shockingly she carries herself! But they don't trouble to tell you about it, and it is not very pleasant for us when you take it like this. If we did not love you and care for your interests " "Oh dear me," sighed naughty Trix, "then I wish you'd love me a little less! I could bear it quite well if you lost your interest, and left me in peace.

He denied himself all luxuries and most necessities and bought her a strand of beads of that name, presenting them to her stammeringly, clumsily, tenderly. Tender pink and cream, they were, like her cheeks, he thought. "Oh, Ray, for me! How darling! You naughty boy!... But I'd rather have had those clear white ones, without any colouring. They're more stylish. Do you mind?"

"And here's where she's made her nest," said little Jane, stepping aside from a tangle of blackberry-vines, herds-grass, and harebells, where lay a half-dozen pullet pearls. "A pretty mother you'd make, Miss, gadding and gossiping down in the meadow with that naughty black hen! Who do you suppose is going to bring up your family for you?

'Bush-rangers, says I. 'Say it out; but we haven't turned out yet, if that's what you mean, Miss Marston. 'I don't mean anything but what's kind and loving, you naughty boy, says she, throwing her arms about my neck; 'but why will you break our hearts, poor mother's and mine, by going off in such a wild way and staying away, as if you were doing something that you were ashamed of?