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Then I proceeded to put it into the special code which Rasputin and Protopopoff alone used, and when Döllen called it was ready for transmission from Nauen back to the Russian battleship, to which I had addressed it, to be "picked up" by the wireless station in Petrograd. The "holy Father" greatly enjoyed himself in a quiet way in Berlin.

The Doctor continues: "In a like style, at Nauen, where part of his regiment lay, he had by means of Herr von der Groben, his First-Lieutenant," much a comrade of his, as we otherwise perceive "the Diaconus of Nauen and his Wife hunted out of bed, and thrown into terror of their lives, one night:" offence of the Diaconus not specified.

Letters otherwise of no importance; but worth reading on that score. "NAUEN, 26th April, 1732. "MONSIEUR MY DEAREST FRIEND, I send you a big mass of papers, which a certain gentleman named Plotz has transmitted me. Be what I may, I shall to you always be", &c. &c. NAUEN, 7th MAY, 1732. "... Thousand thanks for informing me how everything goes on in the world.

That he knew well; for had not High Headquarters told him of the message from the Kaiser by wireless from Nauen, the self-same message that conveyed to Lettow himself the Iron Cross decoration? The Governor's wife was allowed to retain her palace and servants; but all German women were kept strictly to their houses after six at night. No looting, no riots, no disturbance.

One is at Funabashi, Japan; one at Carnarvon, Wales; two in France, one at Nantes and one at Lyons; Rome, Italy, has one; Germany has one at Nauen and one at Eilvese, Hanover; and Norway has one at Stavanger. Then in Canada there are two transatlantic stations." "Glace Bay!" piped the incorrigible Walter. Bob patted his head with a mock fatherly gesture.

It was, I found, a code message which had been received at the great German wireless station at Nauen, having been dispatched from Petrograd, ostensibly to the warship Petropavlovsk in the Baltic, as Rasputin had arranged before he left Russia.