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"A brother of my late wife is an Essene, a kindly natured fool named Ithiel; you may have known him." "Oh, yes, I know him. He is one of their curators and the guardian of the lady Miriam, his great-niece." The old man started violently, then, recovering himself, said: "Forgive me, but Miriam was the name of my lost wife one which it disturbs me to hear.

Hal had not been able to discover whether Cromwell had communicated his name, but he suspected that it might be known to that acute person, and he could not tell whether his compeer spoke out of a sort of good- natured desire to warn him, or simply to triumph in his disgrace, and leer at him for being an impostor.

Such endurance is to be expected in savages and prize-fighters, for they are born and educated to it; but to find it in such perfection in these gently bred and kindly natured young fellows is matter for surprise.

Alethea's unfailing gentleness she felt almost as a rebuke; and Mr. Devereux, though always kind and good- natured, had ceased to speak to her of those small village matters in which she used to be prime counsellor. The school became a burthen instead of a delight, and her attendance there a fatigue.

I wondered as they went round and round the house, if they would stop in the chimney corner, and make the acquaintance of Tom; but they took no notice of him, and after they had eaten several buckets of porridge, they concluded there was nothing in the house they wanted, so became good natured and went and climbed a tree.

You can see that the code is good- natured about it; it leaves you one door of escape. But no I ought not to joke with you, because really you have put yourself in a very unfortunate position! And how could a man like you imagine that here in Paris, in the middle of the nineteenth century, a young girl can be abducted with absolute impunity?

"I think it will be great for all of us," Nora conceded. "You know, Rose, they're all a jolly lot, but they don't have a great deal of fun. They can laugh at almost anything, but that's because they're so healthy and good natured. I often lend them books.

"I daresay, Pat," Guy answered, "you are a very good man no doubt." "I'm not good, bad luck to me," the old fellow returned half gruffly, "but faith if I do the 'ould boy' a turn now and thin, it's sore agin me grain, an' I'm not without tellin' him so, but shure he's the very divil for plaguing the best natured man in creation, unto doin' mischief."

No wonder things can grow, he thought. The rain forgives them. Bogdolf Eric delivered the puppy two days later while Oliver was at work. Emma loved her and vice versa. As soon as Bogdolf's presence faded, Oliver loved her too. They tried "Jesse" for a name, then "Jesse Woofwoof." "Woof" was what stuck. She was good natured and full of energy, forever trying to get Verdi to play.

He was a jolly, good natured fellow, a true friend, kind and generous to a fault, which with his expensive habits made serious inroads on his capital and it diminished rapidly. I saw how things were shaping, and lost no time in making a new contract with him, which gave me a certain commission, and required him to defray all hotel bills.