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It is true, that one party the Norwegian Right Side , for a long time inclined to a more favourable view of the Union, has supported the King in his efforts to oppose the dissolving of the Union, but in the fight for the political supremacy, the power of nationalism over minds has gradually undermined its position as a pillar of the Union, and at the present period of violently agitated feeling, the party has almost entirely vanished from the »national junction

Wherever the issue was clean-cut, as for example between the selfish nationalism of the Italians in their Adriatic demands and the claim to mere economic life of the Jugoslavs, the old rule which granted the spoils to the stronger power was vigorously protested. Whatever the mistakes of the Conference, Wilson secured that which he regarded as the point of prime importance, the League of Nations.

It bred in Illinois statesmen a disposition to compromise for the sake of political harmony and economic progress, a passionate attachment to the Union as the sine qua non of State unity, and a glowing nationalism. Illinois was in short a microcosm: the larger problems of the nation existed there in miniature.

The unity is no longer the nation or the State, but the 'Millah. Europeans see in this a counterpart to their Middle Ages a stage which Islam should pass through on its way to modernity in the Western sense. How badly they understand how religion looks to a Mohammedan! Pan-Islamic nationalism is a relatively recent phenomenon and has not been doctrinally worked out.

But the slim, towering buildings could only have been reared by a people who had banished nationalism and, with it, the threat of total war. He contrasted them with the ground-hugging dome cities of the Khiftan civilization, only a few thousand parayears distant. Three men came out of the lounge behind him and joined him.

Reconciliation, in large measure, has come since. But it has only come because British statesmen showed, firstly, in the war, their inflexible resolution to stamp out the policy of separation, and secondly, after the war, their devotion to the real welfare of South Africa in a policy of economic reconstruction, and in the establishment of those free and equal British institutions under which by the final dying out of a spurious nationalism based on racial prejudice and garbled history South Africa may become a real, living nation.

We sent twenty others the same way and they failed. You were a bit drastic that I have to admit but we're one step closer to keeping nationalism off the planets, and that's all we care about." "I wonder if it's worth it," Gordon said slowly. The other shook his head. "We can't know in our lifetime. All we can do is to hope.

Derain is the chief of the new French school a school destined manifestly to be less cosmopolitan than its predecessor. The tendency towards nationalism everywhere is unmistakeable a consequence of the war, I suppose. It is useless to deplore the fact or exult in it: one can but accept it as one accepts the weather.

A great Armenia creates also a series of difficulties amongst which is that of the relations between Armenia, Georgia and Azerbajan, supposing that in the future these States cut themselves off definitely from Russia. The great Armenia would include the vilayet of Erzeroum, which is now the centre of Turkish nationalism, and contains more Mussulmans than Armenians.

An alliance is established thereby between the two dominant political and social forces in modern life. The suspicion with which aggressive advocates of the national principle have sometimes regarded democracy would be shown to have only a conditional justification; and the suspicion with which many ardent democrats have regarded aggressive nationalism would be similarly disarmed.