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The men gave way at once, keeping in the course of the searchlight, and rowing straight to the cleft in the cliffs, through which they passed; and so left the light and entered a narrower fjord, which was ravine-like in the steepness of its sides, and so dark, that one could see but a narrow vista of the sky through the overhanging summits of the giant rocks.

The officers are a collection of hideously selfish, brutal, drunken, licentious beasts; their mental horizon is almost inconceivably narrow, far narrower than that of mediaeval monks in a monastery. The soldiers are in worse plight than prisoners, being absolutely at the mercy of the alcoholic caprices of their superiors.

They walked along the shore to the more easterly and the narrower canal, and, on arriving, Hazel found to his great annoyance that there was ample water to have floated the cutter had he selected that, the least promising road. He suggested a return by the road they came, and, passing into the other canal, by that to reach the sea.

The enemy now being occupied in escarping and furnishing with batteries the positions he had gained, with the obvious intention of attacking the new counterscarp, it was resolved to prepare for the possible loss of this line of fortifications by establishing another and still narrower one within it. Half the little place had been shorn away by the first change.

Behind the house were clustered various offices, then came an orchard where the June apples and the great red cherries were ripening in the hot sunshine, then on the shore of a second and narrower creek rose the quarters for the plantation servants, white and black a long double row of cabins, dominated by the overseer's house and shaded by ragged yellow pines.

"Shall we?" "Yes; why not? I don't feel half so frightened now I've got over that fall." "I never felt frightened at all," said Fred. "Oh?" "Well, not much. Come along." They approached cautiously, finding that the shelf grew narrower, and evidently ended in a point. "Mind!" "Mind what?" "I've got to the end of the rope." "Well, let's leave go, and creep to the edge without it."

Failing such a contingency, however, and in and for coast defence in its narrower sense, there should be a local flotilla of small torpedo-vessels, which by their activity should make life a burden to an outside enemy.

That might be Ward, taking a short-cut across the hill to his claim beyond the pine-dotted ridge that looked purple in the distance. Billy Louise sighed with a vague disquiet and turned to look away to the north, where the jumble of high hills grew more rugged, with the valleys narrower and deeper. Here came two other dots, larger and more clearly defined as horsemen.

Fitzjames's political views show the same tendencies. He had not hitherto taken any active interest in politics, taken in the narrower sense. Our friend Henry Fawcett, with whom he had many talks on his Christmas visits to Trinity Hall, was rather scandalised by my brother's attitude of detachment in regard to the party questions of the day.

These narrower limits it long retained, and the usual phrase in all future legislation by which the assemblies of the Anglo-Irish define their jurisdiction is "the four shires."