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He smiled, with quizzically narrowed eyes such as you may yet see in Raeburn's portrait of the man. "I was remembering, oddly enough, that elm just back of the Canova Pavilion as it was twenty years ago. I managed to scramble up it, but Augustus could not follow me because he had such short fat little legs.

Up this he crawled for a distance of four or five yards, then it narrowed suddenly to a hole three or four inches in diameter, and through this, some three feet farther, Archie could see the daylight through a clump of heather. He backed himself down the narrow passage again until he joined his comrades.

Then her eyes narrowed and her jaw set; she whipped off her apron and turned down her sleeves; she had made up her mind: "I'll lie it through." She came out in the hall, which was scented with rose geraniums and reeked with the smell of bacon fat, and said, with mincing politeness, "Were you wishing to see me?" "Yes," Eleanor said. "Step right in," said Lily, opening the parlor door.

Once, when Carron spoke to her, Brigit answered without turning her head, and with her narrowed eyes and slow-moving lips looked almost venomous. If she had produced a knife and plunged it into him, the Duchess told herself she would not have been surprised. "An uncommonly unpleasant young person," thought the old lady, "with the temper of a fiend.

The possession of Atlanta by us narrowed the territory of the enemy very materially and cut off one of his two remaining lines of roads from east to west. A short time after the fall of Atlanta Mr. Davis visited Palmetto and Macon and made speeches at each place. He spoke at Palmetto on the 20th of September, and at Macon on the 22d.

Let us limit ourselves at present to opening up the new path that consists in the study of the needs of man, and the means of satisfying them. The only thing that may be wanting to the Revolution is the boldness of initiative. With our minds already narrowed in our youth and enslaved by the past in our mature age, we hardly dare to think.

We see too much, we attend too much. The dark, glancing sightlessness of the intent savage, the narrowed vision of the cat, the single point of vision of the hawk these we do not know any more. We live far too much from the sympathetic centers, without the balance from the voluntary mode.

As I've told you it was not among Adrian's papers which we went through together. We're narrowed down to 'The Greater Glory. Possibly," said I, with a despairing flash, "Jaffery had to pull it about so much and deface it with his own great scrawl, that he thought it might pain you to see it, and so he told you that it had disappeared at the printer's.

By now the light was strong, and in it they saw that the signal fire had not been lit in vain. At the mouth of the cutting, just where the bar began, the channel was narrowed in with earth to a width of not more than fifty paces, and on one bank of it stood a foot armed with culverins.

"Follow you 'anywheres, was what I said," persisted the Traveling Salesman almost irritably. "Follow you 'anywheres'! Run! Walk! Crawl on her hands and knees if it's really necessary. And yet " Like a shaggy brown line drawn across the bottom of a column of figures, his eyebrows narrowed to their final calculation.