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"Certainly NOT," I said. "You needn't stick your lip out at me, Miss Bab, that was only giving you a chance, and forgetting my Duty to help you, not to mention probably losing my place when the Familey finds out." "Finds out what?" "What you've been up to, the stage, and writing plays, and now liquor and tobacco!" Now I may be at fault in the Narative that follows.

I thanked him for his information and advise and gave him a knife with which he appeared to be much gratifyed. from this narative I was convinced that the streams of which he had spoken as runing through the plains and that on which his relations lived were southern branches of the Columbia, heading with the rivers Apostles and Collorado, and that the rout he had pointed out was to the Vermillion Sea or gulph of Callifornia.

Lionel Giles' translation, too many liberties are being taken, verbally, with the narative parts of these stories, to allow quotation marks and small type. Wen Chih examined his heart under X-rays; really and truly that is in effect what Liehtse says. "Ah," said he, "I see that a good square inch of your heart is hollow; you are within a little of being a true Sage.

My narative has now come to a conclusion, and I will close with a few reflections drawin from my own sad and tradgic Experience. I trust the Girls of this School will ponder and reflect. Deception is a very sad thing. It starts very easy, and without Warning, and everything seems to be going all right, and No Rocks ahead.

I thought for some time upon this singular creed; one, in itself, not militating against religion, but at the same time I could not call to mind any passages by which it could be supported. Still the idea was beautiful, and I dwelt upon it with pleasure. I have before observed, and indeed the reader must have gathered from my narative, that Melchior was no common personage.

BODY OF THEME: I now approach the narative of what happened during the first four days of my Christmas Holiday. For a period before the fifteenth of December, I was rather worried. All the girls in the school were getting new clothes for Christmas parties, and their Families were sending on invitations in great numbers, to various festivaties that were to occur when they went home.

Again, CROKER has a long note upon a passage in Boswell's Life of Johnson, II. p. 173, to invalidate a narative of Oglethorpe's respecting a writing of Colonel Sir Thomas Prendergast, who was killed at the battle of Malplaquet, on the 31st of August, 1709, which thus concludes: "At the battle of Malplaquet, Oglethorpe was only eleven years old.

He said little, but looked at me and kept on smoking, and was not as excited as I had expected, although interested. But in the midst of my Narative he rose quickly and observed: "Bab, I'm poizoned!" I then perceived that he was pale and hagard. I rose to my feet, and thinking it might be the cigar, I asked him if he would care for a peice of chocolate cake to take the taste away.