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At first the countess had opposed it, but the count, they said, had insisted. Nana smiled. "I know, I know," she murmured. "So much the better for Paul. He's a nice boy he deserves it." And leaning toward Louiset: "You're enjoying yourself, eh? What a grave face!" The child never smiled.

Her name seems composed of ix, the feminine article, she; and of tac, or tal, a verb that signifies to have a desire to satisfy a corporal want or inclination. IXTAL would, therefore, be she who desires to satisfy a corporal inclination. As to her other name, Nana, it simply means the great mother, the very mother.

"After the massacre of all the men, there remained one hundred and twenty-five women and children captured from the boats, who were confined in the town-house of the detested Nana, where they were fed upon the poorest food and subjected to many indignities. They were heroic women, and preferred death to any other fate at the hands of their miscreant captors.

In the meantime Nana, who averred that she was as hungry as a wolf, threw herself on the radishes and gobbled them up without bread. Mme Lerat had become ceremonious; she refused the radishes as provocative of phlegm. By and by when Zoe had brought in the cutlets Nana just chipped the meat and contented herself with sucking the bones.

"I have been taught to regard Scindia as an enemy to the public peace, and shall use all diligence in carrying out your excellency's orders." And, leaving the minister, Harry went to Sufder and told him what had happened. "In truth, Puntojee, you were born under a lucky star. I never dreamt that Nana Furnuwees would have thus introduced you to the Peishwa.

Well now, speak out; you've come to tell me something." "No, no, I swear I haven't," he blurted out. But he was choking with suffering, and this sickroom, into which he had suddenly entered unawares, so worked on his feelings that he burst out sobbing and buried his face in the bedclothes to smother the violence of his grief. Nana understood.

It is wisely ordered that few human beings shall feel aught but pain in looking upon the extreme bodily anguish of their fellow-men; and when a monster appears who seems to contradict this benign law, he is embalmed as a monster, and transmitted to future times along with such rara aves as Caligula, Domitian, and Nana Sahib.

In his opinion she was brought up very badly, and here he was quite right, for when her father cuffed her her mother upheld her, and when, in her turn, the mother reproved, the father made a scene. Nana was delighted at this and felt herself free to do much as she pleased. She had started a new game at the farriery opposite. She spent entire days swinging on the shafts of the wagons.

Then since his neighbor had spoken of Nana, he ventured to question him. "Will you pardon me for asking you, sir, but that lady who is acting do you know her?" "Yes, I do a little," murmured Daguenet with some surprise and hesitation. "Then you know her address?" The question, addressed as it was to him, came so abruptly that he felt inclined to respond with a box on the ear.

Nana and Rose Mignon rolled up an armchair, into which Bordenave let himself sink, while the other women slid a second one under his leg. And with that all the actresses present kissed him as a matter of course. He kept grumbling and gasping. "Oh, damn! Oh, damn! Ah well, the stomach's unhurt, you'll see." Other guests had arrived by this time, and motion became impossible in the room.