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Bless my nail-file! be more cheerful. And that reminds me, when are we going to have dinner, Tom?" "Whenever you want it, Mr. Damon. Are you going to act as cook again?" "I think I will, and I'll just go to the galley now, and see about getting a meal. It will take my mind off the dreadful things Mr. Parker says." But if the gloomy scientific man heard this little "dig" he did not respond to it.

Cartwright," he called back to her "oh, beg pardon Bines? yes, yes, to be sure well, never mind, Mrs. Brennings. We'll give you time to put your gloves and a bottle of horse-radish and a nail-file and hammer into that neat travelling-bag of yours. "Now let me go up and get clean again.

She packed, mechanically, all the pretty things Mrs. De Guenther had given her, and nothing else. She found herself at the door of her room with the locked suit-case in her hand, and not even a nail-file of the things belonging to her old self in it. She shook herself together, managed to laugh a little, and returned and put in such things as she thought she would require for the night.

I put out all the little instruments for cleanliness and comfort which it contained: a nail-brush, a new toothbrush I always carry a selection of them about with me my nail-scissors, a nail-file, and sponges. I uncorked a bottle of eau de cologne, one of lavender-water, and a little bottle of new-mown hay, so that she might have a choice.

Peewee is the melting little lady with the vermilion mouth and the cooing eyes who manicures in a Rialto hotel barber shop. She is the one whose touch is like the cool caress of a snowflake, whose face is as void of guile as the face of the Blessed Damosel. There are others, scissor-Salomes and nail-file Dryads. Mr.

I put out all the little instruments for cleanliness and comfort which it contained: a nailbrush, a new toothbrush for I always carry a selection of them about with me my nail-scissors, a nail-file, and sponges. I uncorked a bottle of eau de cologne, one of lavender-water, and a little bottle of new-mown hay, so that she might have a choice.

For two mornings the "hired man" of the household watched in silence the visitor's efforts at making a toilette under the unfavorable auspices, but when on the third day the tooth-brush, nail-file, whisk-broom, etc., had been duly used and returned to their places in the traveler's grip, he could suppress his curiosity no longer, so boldly put the question: "Say, Mister, air you always that much trouble to yo'se'f?"