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They opened to me, however, a new field of apprehension; for, on my expressing my great impatience to see my new home, they exclaimed, with a look of wonder, "Vous n'avez donc pas peur des serpens?" "Snakes! was it possible there were snakes at Fort Winnebago?" "At the Portage! oh! yes one can never walk out for them rattle-snakes copper-heads all sorts!"

"Je crois que non, Monsieur ." "Pourquoi n'avez vous pas du vin de Cockalorum?" said Greville, with great indignation. "C'est une chose monstrueuse. Nous sommes les invités de la grande nation Francaise; nous sommes les officiers de sa Majesté la Reine d'Angleterre; et vous n'avez pas du vin de Cockalorum!" There was enough of other wine, at all events, added Frank King.

"Business afterward. I will do anything you wish," said Maslenikoff, leading him through the parlor. "Announce Prince Nekhludoff to Her Excellency," he said on the way to a lackey. The lackey, in an ambling gait, ran ahead of them. "Vous n'avez qu'

A subtler diplomatist than Whitworth would probably have taken the hint for a Franco-British partition of the world: but the Englishman, unable at that moment to utter a word amidst the torrent of argument and invective, used the first opportunity merely to assure Napoleon of the alarm caused in England by Sebastiani's utterance concerning Egypt. This touched the First Consul at the wrong point, and he insisted that on the evacuation of Malta the question of peace or war must depend. In vain did the English ambassador refer to the extension of French power on the Continent. Napoleon cut him short: "I suppose you mean Piedmont and Switzerland: ce sont des : vous n'avez pas le droit d'en parler

A subtler diplomatist than Whitworth would probably have taken the hint for a Franco-British partition of the world: but the Englishman, unable at that moment to utter a word amidst the torrent of argument and invective, used the first opportunity merely to assure Napoleon of the alarm caused in England by Sebastiani's utterance concerning Egypt. This touched the First Consul at the wrong point, and he insisted that on the evacuation of Malta the question of peace or war must depend. In vain did the English ambassador refer to the extension of French power on the Continent. Napoleon cut him short: "I suppose you mean Piedmont and Switzerland: ce sont des : vous n'avez pas le droit d'en parler

Vous n'avez jamais lu un seul vers de mes poèmes? Alors, c'est étonnant." And then: "C'est que la réalité est plus forte que nous." The revolting irony of it!

Sir Claude turned to a porter. "When does the train go?" The man looked up at the station-clock. "In two minutes. Monsieur est placé?" "Pas encore." "Et vos billets? vous n'avez que le temps." Then after a look at Maisie, "Monsieur veut-il que je les prenne?" the man said. Sir Claude turned back to her. "Veux-tu lieu qu'il en prenne?"

Surprised and enraged, the Frenchman turned to demolish the man who had dared to insult the "boss bully on de reever Hottawa." "Vous n'avez pas remarque la demoiselle," said the lieutenant, in a tone of politeness. The lumberman, who had swaggered up ready to strike, glanced at Maimie, took off his hat, and made a ceremonious bow. "Eh bien! Non! Pardon, Mams'elle."

L'histoire de la science a beaucoup a profiter de cet exemple frappant. Je suis absolument de votre avis sur le role de l'Angleterre en Egypte; vous n'avez qu'a faire ce que nous avons fait a Tunis, ou les choses marchent a souhait. C'est l'interet de votre grand pays, en meme temps que l'interet de la civilisation et de l'humanite.

"Vous n'avez pas besoin de me tenir ainsi," I said to the officer; "j irai tranquillement" He loosened his hold and we were then marched off to another military station, in a different part of the town from that whence we had escaped. The man who had arrested me was a sergeant or some officer in petty command.