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"He looked indeed, a stockish, chill young man, of the cold-nosed type ah, que je n'aime pas ça! but he is a good young man; a most unimpeachable young man; and our little Karen has melted him; how much his letter shows." "Gregory Jardine is a very able and a very distinguished person," said Miss Scrotton, "and of an excellent county family.

Whereupon Napoleon exclaimed, 'La guerre est un grand jeu, une belle occupation. He expressed his surprise that England should have sent the Duke to Paris, and he added, evidently with a touch of bitterness, 'On n'aime pas l'homme par qui on a été battu. The Emperor's great anxiety seemed to be to get reliable tidings of the condition of France.

Despite the comfortable efforts of Emily, Winifred's composure, Imogen's enquiring friendliness, Dartie's showing-off, and James' solicitude about her food, it was not, Soames felt, a successful lunch for his bride. He took her away very soon. "That Monsieur Dartie," said Annette in the cab, "je n'aime pas ce type-la!" "No, by George!" said Soames.

"But," added Lady Augusta, who observed that her bon-mot was not so much admired by all the company as by Dashwood, "I really only mean, that one must do as other people do." "Assurement," said mademoiselle; "not dat I approve of the want of gallantry in our gentlemen, neider. But, I tink, Mademoiselle Earl is as stiff as de poker, and I don't approve of dat, neider Je n'aime pas les prudes, moi."

"I said, 'Sire, they think you have no chance at all." The Emperor said that the English Government had made a great mistake in sending the Duke of Wellington to Paris "On n'aime pas voir un homme par qui on a été battu;" and on War he made this characteristic comment: "Eh bien, c'est un grand jeu belle occupation."

Rossini, in thanking him, wrote, "Bien que vos raisins soient superbes, je n'aime pas mon vin en pillules." This Baron Rothschild read as an invitation to send him some of his celebrated Chateau-Lafitte, which he proceeded to do, for "the joke of it," he remarked. "It is so amusing to tell the story afterward." Rossini does not dye his hair, but wears the most wiggy of wigs.

Du reste j'ai fait trois planches que je crois bonnes; j'y ai bien travaille; j'ai aussi ecrit trois articles, mais mon travail pour la Revue ne gagne pas grand'chose, et du moment ou la peinture rapportera, je quitterai la revue; je n'aime pas ce genre de travail, quoiqu'on dise que je le fais bien. J'aimerais autant etre cocher de fiacre.

"I wish I were of his age," said the venerable Colchicum, with a sigh, as he inclined his purple face toward a large goblet of claret. "C'te Jeunesse. Peuh! je m'en fiche," said Madame Brack, Coralie's mamma, taking a great pinch out of Lord Colchicum's delicate gold snuff-box. "Je n'aime que les hommes faits, moi.