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The bear, Johannes, was not confined, and therefore Mynheer Von Stroom confined himself; hardly a day passed that he did not look over a letter which he had framed upon the subject, all ready to forward to the Company; and each time that he perused it he made some alteration, which he considered would give additional force to his complaint, and would prove still more injurious to the interests of Captain Kloots.

"Go before me, and call me plain Mynheer." The two then entered the cabinet. Rosa was still standing at the same place, leaning on the window, and looking through the panes into the garden. "Ah! a Frisian girl," said the Prince, as he observed Rosa's gold brocade headdress and red petticoat.

After that he will stay above, and then sees company, and hears our young lady sing." "Young lady! has he a daughter then?" "He has a daughter, mynheer only one only one child no son, it is a pity; and so much money too, they say. I don't know how many stivers and guilders she will have by-and-bye." "Is not Madame Krause still alive?" "No, mynheer, she died when this maiden was born.

Then, lifting them again with almost a happy expression, he added, "But it is Hans who can help Mynheer van Holp THIS time." "How?" asked Peter, making, in his blunt Dutch way, no attempt to conceal his surprise. "By giving you THIS, mynheer." And Hans held forth the missing purse. "Hurrah!" shouted the boys, taking their cold hands from their pockets to wave them joyfully in the air.

"Now, miserable despoiler of the dead now, wretched thief, now you shall feel my vengeance," cried Philip, with a loud voice. "If you remain within, you perish in the flames; if you attempt to come out, you shall die by my hands. Do you hear, Mynheer Poots do you hear?" Hardly had Philip concluded this address, when the window of the upper floor furthest from the burning door was thrown open.

Mynheer Marais himself, after getting a brief outline of his son's meeting with the Englishman, backed the attack of his pleasant-faced vrouw by putting a number of questions as to the political state of Europe then existing, and the chances of the British Government seriously taking into consideration the unsatisfactory condition of the Cape frontier and its relations with the Kafirs.

Amine, who knew what was passing in the minds of both her father and Philip, now brought her father's hat, and led him to the door of the cottage; and Mynheer Poots, very much against his inclination but never disputing the will of his daughter was obliged to depart. "So soon, Philip?" said Amine, returning to the room.

Peter did not tell him that he had skated all the way to Haarlem for the purpose of arranging this plan with Mynheer van Holp. It was enough for him to see the glad, eager look rise on young Brinker's face. "I THINK I can do it," said Hans, "though I have never learned the trade." "I am SURE you can," responded Peter heartily. "You will find every tool you require in the workshop.

Van Duyk listened with great attention, and promised that when he went shortly to Haarlem he would use all his influence to abbreviate the powers which the deputies so unwisely used. Two or three days before the date fixed for Rupert's departure, he was walking in the town with Mynheer Von Duyk and his daughter, when he observed a person gazing intently at him from the entrance to a small bylane.

Philip, who at first waking was confused, gradually recovered his senses during this address. "You shall have your three guilders and a half, and your phial to boot, Mr Poots," replied he, as he rose from off the bed. "Yes, yes; I know you mean to pay me if you can. But look you, Mynheer Philip, it may be some time before you sell the cottage. You may not find a customer.