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He then attacked the wig-boxes, and, by showing a most formidable set of teeth, proved to the servant, who attempted to drive him off, that he would not be trifled with. In the meanwhile, Mynheer Von Stroom was in the utmost terror: not aware of the purport of the bear's visit, he imagined that the animal's object was to attack him.

"My bear is not for sale, Mynheer Von Stroom." "It must immediately be sent out of the ship, Mynheer Kloots; I order you to send it away, on your peril to refuse." "Then we will drop the anchor again, Mynheer Von Stroom, and send on shore to head-quarters to decide the point.

And here Mynheer Von Stroom, not knowing why, hurried down to the cabin, and in his haste tumbled over the bear Johannes, who crossed his path, and in his fall his hat and flowing wig parted company with his head. "O mercy! where am I? Help help here! for the Company's honourable supercargo!" "Cast off there in the boats, and come on board," cried Mynheer Kloots; "we have no time to spare.

His breeches were of black satin, and his legs were covered with white silk stockings. Add to this, gold buckles at his knees and in his shoes, lace ruffles to his wrists, and a silver-mounted cane in his hand, and the reader has the entire dress of Mynheer Jacob Janz Von Stroom, the supercargo of the Honourable Company, appointed to the good ship Ter Schilling.

Let my boat come alongside I must have the largest boat for the Honourable Company's service for the papers and myself." "I'm afraid not, Mynheer Von Stroom," replied Kloots; "our boats will hardly hold the men as it is, and every man's life is as valuable to himself as yours is to you." "But, Mynheer, I am the Company's supercargo. I order you I will have one refuse if you dare."

The mate, Mynheer Hillebrant, put him in the cabin, that he might be out of the way while the duty was carrying on, and he quite forgot that he was here. I am very sorry, Mynheer Von Stroom; but he will not come here again, unless you wish to play with him." "Play with him! I! supercargo to the Company, play with a bear! Mynheer Kloots, the animal must be thrown overboard immediately."

He started up, and beheld a figure standing over him. His eyes were still feeble, and his vision indistinct; he rubbed them for a time, for he first thought it was the bear Johannes, and again that it was the supercargo Von Stroom who had appeared before him; he looked again, and found that he was mistaken, although he had warrant for supposing it to be either or both.

"Matter!" spluttered Mynheer Von Stroom "call the troops in with their firelocks. Quick, sir. Am I to be murdered, torn to pieces, and devoured? For mercy's sake, sir, don't stare, but do something look, it's coming to the table! O dear! O dear!" continued the supercargo, evidently terrified out of his wits.

He was soon a favourite of the captain, and intimate with Hillebrant, the first mate; the second mate, Struys, was a morose young man, with whom he had little intercourse. As for the supercargo, Mynheer Jacob Janz Von Stroom, he seldom ventured out of his cabin.

Let my boat come alongside I must have the largest boat for the Honourable Company's service for the papers and myself." "I'm afraid not, Mynheer Von Stroom," replied Kloots; "our boats will hardly hold the men as it is, and every man's life is as valuable to himself as yours is to you." "But, Mynheer, I am the Company's supercargo. I order you I will have one refuse if you dare."