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At length, undone by such ceaseless vexation, Tokubei fell ill, and kept muttering, "Oh, misery! misery! the wandering priest is coming to torture me!" Hearing his moans and the disturbance he made, the people in the house fancied he was mad, and called in a physician, who prescribed for him.

Some one, like Allen, had stumbled and was muttering under his breath. "Shut up, can't you?" a second voice growled, and Allen's hand instinctively went to Rawlinson's arm to quiet him. "Two of them," he thought exultantly, as he held himself and the cowboy against the trunk of a tree. "There may be some action after all."

Slowly uncovering his face, Robin pressed the little animal to his bosom, bending his head over it, and muttering in a tone the dog seemed fully to understand, by the low whine with which he returned the caress. After a time his eyes met those of Roupall's, but their meaning was totally changed: they no longer sparkled with fury, but were as quiet and subdued as if nothing had occurred.

I did not know what he was about; but muttering something to Marie, I followed the lad to see. At the foot of the flight of stairs I looked back, Marie and the servant were standing in suspense, where I had left them. I heard the latter bid us angrily to return.

From some realm of calamity has Sandip come as its messenger; and as he stalks the land, muttering unholy incantations, to him flock all the boys and youths. The mother, seated in the lotus- heart of the Country, is wailing her heart out; for they have broken open her store-room, there to hold their drunken revelry.

"Yes, it was beautiful," the mother agreed. "I could not help wishing that you were there." Karnis rose and paced the little room, waving his arms and muttering: "Ah! so that is how it is! A friend of the Muses. We saved the large lute that is well. My chlamys has an ugly hole in it if the girls were not asleep... but the first thing to-morrow Ague.... Tell me, is she handsome, tall?"

Even as Tad spoke there was a low muttering of thunder, and the far lightning flashed pale and green, and rose on the long horizon to the southwest. Kris Kringle heard the far away growl. Springing up, he began staking down the tents. "That's a good idea. We lost our whole outfit on our last trip. Think they'll stand a blow?" "I guess they will when I get through with them.

After muttering some incantation, he throws it into a pit already prepared for it, where it is washed in clear water. It is then taken out, and washed again three times; the first time in sugar and water, the second in sour milk, and the third in spirits. It is then dried, and marked from the head to the point with seven red spots.

Often for half the night he would wander along the ramparts of the castle, at the imminent risk of tumbling off, gazing seaward and muttering strangely to himself, and evolving frightful spectres out of the shadows cast by the turrets.

The patients whose hurts were comparatively slight were sitting up in their beds discussing the battle eagerly. Others more seriously hurt raised their heads to listen, while some lying apparently unconscious moaned and moved uneasily, muttering occasionally incoherent words, the quiver in earth and air arousing a dim sense of battle and danger. "More work for us," Dr.