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The Mut'ny, think o' that; the Mut'ny an' some dirty little matters in Afghanistan; an' for that an' these an' those' Dan pointed to the names of glorious battles 'that Yankee man with the partin' in his hair comes an' says as easy as "have a drink."... Holy Moses, there's the captain! But it was the mess-sergeant who came in just as the men clattered out, and found the colours uncased.

It would be throwing away the gifts of Providence not to fall in with his little plans. Of coorse we'll mut'ny till all's dry. Shoot the colonel on the parade-ground, massacree the company officers, ransack the arsenal, and then Boys, did he tell you what next? He told me the other night when he was beginning to talk wild.

The Mut'ny, think o' that; the Mut'ny an' some dirty little matters in Afghanistan; an' for that an' these an' those" Dan pointed to the names of glorious battles "that Yankee man with the partin' in his hair comes an' says as easy as 'have a drink' . . . Holy Moses, there's the captain!" But it was the mess-sergeant who came in just as the men clattered out, and found the colours uncased.

It's mut'ny, but I won't desert my Captain." Captain Trevor caught him by the hand. "To save my boy, Jeffs," he said hoarsely. "Man, I cannot desert my ship." The coxswain looked puzzled, and hesitated. "Quick, man!" roared the Captain. "Ah! too late!"

'Tis the trut' I'm tellin' you. They shud be kept on water an' rice in the hot weather; but there'd be a mut'ny av 'twas done. "Did ye iver hear how Privit Mulvaney tuk the town av Lungtungpen? I thought not! 'Twas the Lift'nint got the credit; but 'twas me planned the schame.

But instantly he changed his attitude. "No like cook cook quit," he grumbled. "'Oh, no, indeed, Filipo, you must not be offended. I was just speaking to Mr. Owen this morning about raising your salary." A thick voice came to them from the cabin door. "I begs to report, Miss," said Blinky Boyd, the pirate, reeling in, "that there be mut'ny in yer crew. Mr. Hicks and Mr.

If ever he teases you I'll mut'ny, and never help him to rig a boat agen. And look here: if he don't say he's sorry, I won't do this here." "But I am sorry," cried the boy. "Oh, I say, Dot, don't be a little silly. I tell you it was only my fun."

It would be throwing away the gifts of Providence not to fall in with his little plans. Of coorse we'll mut'ny till all's dry. Shoot the colonel on the parade-ground, massacree the company officers, ransack the arsenal, and then Boys, did he tell you what next? He told me the other night when he was beginning to talk wild.