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A bit of his supper, a bit of his bed, and that he should be engaged in none of those perilous pastimes in which the race of Mustard and Pepper had suffered frequent mutilation. Brown now prepared for his journey, having taken a temporary farewell of his trusty little companion. There is an odd prejudice in these hills in favour of riding. Every farmer rides well, and rides the whole day.

That tiger among the Panchalas who is known by the name of Janamejaya, had excellent steeds of the hue of mustard flowers. Fleet, gigantic and dark blue steeds decked with chains of gold, with backs of the hue of curd and faces of the hue of the moon, bore with great speed the ruler of the Panchalas.

"You see, Missie Alice, if de ship gib a roll on one side den half de soup go out, and den when she gib a roll on de oder side de oder half go out, and you get none; and de 'taties come flying ober in de same way; den de meat jump out of de dish, and before you can stop it will be on de oder side of de cabin; and de mustard and pepper pots dey go cruising about by demselves.

CHARLES. "The only tree growing in Spitzbergen is the dwarf willow, which rises to the vast height of two inches! towering with great pride above the mosses, lichens, and a few other cumbent plants." GEORGE. "What a ridiculous little shrub! We might just as well dignify mustard and cress with the title of trees. To whom does this very fertile island belong?"

"My dear," said her brother, "these pretty little flowers which you've picked to make your shack look bright and and homelike, may mean ruin." "Eddie!" "You must have heard why, I remember telling you about it myself about this mustard, this weed. We farmers in Canada have three enemies to fight: frost, hail and weed." Mrs. Sharp confirmed his words with a despairing nod of her head.

30. =Mock Crab.= Break up half a pound of soft, rich cheese with a fork, mix with it a teaspoonful of dry mustard, a saltspoonful of salt, half a saltspoonful of pepper, and a dessertspoonful of vinegar; serve it cold, with a plate of thin bread and butter, or crisp crackers.

I shall put in spring lettuces, and radishes, and mustard and cress. The property is mine till midsummer day. You shall eat a lettuce of my growing, Mr. Goldthorpe; I am bent on that. And how I grieve that you were not with me at the time of the artichokes just at the moment when they were touched by the first frost! 'Ah! They were really good, Mr. Spicer?

Add one-half teaspoon salt, one-half teaspoon of prepared mustard, very little pepper, two tablespoons of white sugar. Stir very hard, then pour in gradually one-half teacup of vinegar. Imported or domestic endive, chicory, escarole and Romaine or lettuce must be washed, made crisp in cold water, and dried in a bag on the ice. Serve them with French dressing.

This was the farm-steading of Charlie's Hope, or, in the language of the country, 'the town. A most furious barking was set up at their approach by the whole three generations of Mustard and Pepper, and a number of allies, names unknown.

Day before yesterday we caught sight of a caribou, but it was on our lee, and winding us got away before a shot could be fired. Yesterday at our old camp we found the end we had cut from a flour bag. It had a bit of flour sticking to it. We boiled it with our old caribou bones, and it strengthened the broth a little. We also found a can of mustard we had thrown away.