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"Our camp is known!" exclaimed the bee-hunter the instant he beheld the Indian. "Juss so. Pottawattamie see squaw, and go and tell his chief. Dat sartain," answered Peter. "What is there to be done? Fight for our lives, or fly?" "Get in canoe quick as can. It take dem young men half-hour to reach place where chief be. In dat half-hour we muss go as far as we can. No good to stay here.

"Lessee, Perez, ye've been gone nigh onter nine year. Ye muss find some changes in the taown." Israel, as a man of more considerable social importance than the most of those who stood around, and being moreover, old enough to be Perez' father, had been less affected by the impulse of class jealousy than the others. "I've been home only one day, Mr.

You little white han's gib fancy teches dat ain't in my big black han'. Arter all, tain't de han's; it's de min'. Dere's my darter Mis Watson. Neber could larn her much mo'n plain cookin'. Dere's a knack at dese tings dat's bawn in one. It's wot you granpa used ter call genus, an' you allus hab it, eben when you was a chile an' want ter muss in de kitchen."

"Well, the author says you have, so you've got to look it. We'd better muss you up a bit. Let's see." She tapped her fingernail against her teeth as she looked him up and down. "Off with that coat first." He wriggled out of the coat and stood with the glories of his ruffled shirt fully displayed. "Now what?" he asked. "This," she reached forward and ripped his left sleeve to the shoulder.

With the advent of Bo, who spent a good deal of time on the animals, Muss manifestly found the camp more attractive. Whereupon, Dale predicted trouble between Tom and Muss. Bo liked nothing better than a rough-and-tumble frolic with the black bear. Muss was not very big nor very heavy, and in a wrestling bout with the strong and wiry girl he sometimes came out second best.

Art is born of the utilities of life; and art is in itself one of life's greatest utilities. "Er muss lernen edler begehren, damit er nicht nötig habe, erhaben zu wollen." SCHILLER, "Ästhetische Erziehung."

We want to see the muss cleared up, of course; we want Shon McGann to act like a high-toned citizen, and there's a general prejudice in favour of things bein' on the flat of your palm, as it were. Now this thing hangs fire, and there's a lack of animation about it, isn't there?" To this, Pretty Pierre replied: "What can I do? This is not like other things; one had to wait; great things take time.

"I can see plainly there's been a muss between you and old D., someway, but I'll be hanged if I could find out what 'twas about. He hasn't found out we lost that pass-key, has he?" "D n the key," said Arthur, uttering his first oath with cool nonchalance; "I don't know whether he's found it out or not, and care less."

O Lord! it's enough to make a man swear at his mother. We had her licked. Why did he ram?" "Because he was drunk, that's why. He rang seven bells to me along at the first of the muss, and then sent word through young Felton that he wanted full speed. Dammit, he already had it, every pound of it.

They were flabby creatures. I made a mess of them and a muss and muck of their silks ere the multitude could return upon me. There were so many of them. They clogged my blows by the sneer numbers of them, those behind shoving the front ones upon me. And how I dropped them! Toward the end they were squirming three-deep under my feet.