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The Count’s expedition to the garden—A mysterious nymph feeding geeseThe resemblance of mushroom-gathering to the wanderings of the shades in the Elysian FieldsVarieties of mushroomsTelimena in the Temple of MeditationConsultation in regard to the settlement of ThaddeusThe Count as a landscape painterThaddeus’s artistic observations on trees and cloudsThe Count’s thoughts on artThe bellThe love note—A bear, sir!

The nearest approach to excitement was mushroom-gathering; and in this occupation my inability to distinguish the edible from the poisonous species made my efforts unacceptable. We lived so "far from the madding crowd" that its din scarcely reached our ears. A week or ten days might pass without our receiving any intelligence from the outer world.

From the noisy breakfast they had gone out to the solemn ceremony of mushroom-gathering; being discreet people, they knew how to moderate their speech and their movements, in order under all circumstances to adapt them to the place and time.

The bell still pealed, and, as an echo, from the depths of the quiet woods there resounded a thousand cries and shouts; this was the uproar of people searching for one another and calling, the signal that the mushroom-gathering was over for the day: the uproar was not at all gloomy or funereal, as it had seemed to the Count, but a dinner uproar.57 Every noon this bell, calling from the gable, invited the guests and servants home to dinner; such had been the custom on many old estates, and in the Judge’s house it had been preserved.