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The Apparitor read aloud full three hundred of them; at last, when he came to the place:— Thaddeus and Sophia began to clap vigorously, as if in applause, but really because they did not wish to hear further. Now at the Judge’s bidding the parish priest mounted the table and proclaimed Thaddeus’s determination to the villagers.

Thaddeus pricked up his ears, and put his hands to them like trumpets; he listened till the wind that blew from the forest brought to him the sound of horns and the shouts of the hunting throng. Thaddeus’s horse was waiting saddled in the stable.

I loved her not, Thaddeus’s poor mother, my most devoted wife and the most upright soulbut I was strangling in my heart my former love and my anger. I was like a madman; in vain I forced myself to work at farming or at business; all was of no avail.

The Count’s expedition to the garden—A mysterious nymph feeding geeseThe resemblance of mushroom-gathering to the wanderings of the shades in the Elysian FieldsVarieties of mushroomsTelimena in the Temple of MeditationConsultation in regard to the settlement of ThaddeusThe Count as a landscape painterThaddeus’s artistic observations on trees and cloudsThe Count’s thoughts on artThe bellThe love note—A bear, sir!

You know that Jacek, my brother, Thaddeus’s father, is a strange man, whose intentions are hard to penetrate. He refuses to return home; God knows where he is hiding; he will not even let us inform his son that he is alive, and yet he continually gives us directions in regard to him. At first he wanted to send him to the legions; I was fearfully distressed.