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"Mus'n't believe all ye hear," said the widow, who now turned to the doubting Thomas. And that very moment Tom was come to the last gate of childhood, whereon are the black and necessary words, "Mus'n't believe all ye hear." The boys in their new boots were on the track of a painter. They treed him, presently, at the foot of the stairs. "How'll we kill him?" one of them inquired.

On ushering the Doctor into this apartment, Simeon courteously led him to the sideboard. "We mus'n't make our discussions too dry, Doctor," he said. "What will you take?" "Thank you, Sir," said the Doctor, with a wave of his hand, "nothing this morning."

"The cotton we get now'll weigh heavy," she said: "it's got dew on it." "That's so," Alston assented, "but yer mus'n't talk ter me, Lizay. I's got ter put all my min' ter my wuck: I can't foad ter talk." "I can't nuther," said Lizay. "Wish I didn't pick so much cotton the fus' day: I's got ter keep on trottin' ter two hunderd an' fawty-seven." She selected two rows beside Alston's.

Well, if it isn't past one I'm a sinner. It's Friday morning and I mus'n't ate a morsel myself, poor papist that I am; but I'll get you a bit of cold mate and a drop of grog in a moment if you'll take it." Neville, however, refused the hospitable offer. "Father Marty," he said, speaking with a zeal which perhaps owed something of its warmth to the punch, "you shall find that I am a gentleman."

"Put her about, coxswain," the midshipman said; "we need go no farther." "Can't we land, and have a bathe, sir?" the coxswain asked. "Certainly not. That is the very thing that we mus'n't do. For anything we know, there may be natives about; and some of us might get stuck full of their arrows before we could get out of range.

They give up pomps an' vanerties, the minister says, an' they mus'n't have luxuries, an' they mus' live like nature an' save their souls. They can't save their souls when they have pomps an' vanerties. We thought we'd try it with you first, an' then if we like it er if it's nice, I mean, p'r'aps Grace an' I will, too.

Oh, you mus'n't go down and expose yourself on any account." She was evidently very much agitated. "Promise me that you will not." Having ascertained that the door was secure I walked across the room and turned on the electric light. Josephine was sitting bolt upright, quivering with excitement.

"Yes, yes, but what did 'Cap'n' Lane say?" interrupted Marian. "He tole me ter say ter you, missy, dat he was gwine ter git well, an' dat you mus'n't worry 'kase you didn't hear from him, an' dat he know you'd be kine to us, 'kase I'd help him win de vict'ry. De surgeon wrote some letters, too, an' gib dem to de Linkum cunnel. P'raps you git one ob dem.

"Well, I'll tell you," said Billy, proud of his superior knowledge. "That there's Tailholt Mountain." "Indeed!" "Yes, and Nick Cambert and Yavapai Joe lives over there. Do you know about them?" The tall man shook his head. "No, I don't believe that I do." Little Billy lowered his voice to a mysterious whisper. "Well, I'll tell you. Only you mus'n't ever say anything 'bout it out loud.

"She mus'n't have any money," she observed, thoughtfully, following with unseeing eyes the final careful polish the small tongue of Genevieve Maud was giving Rover's borrowed plate. "No one has money in the simple life, so we mus' take her bank an' get all the money out an' " "Spend it!" suggested Grace Margaret, rapturously, with her second inspiration. Helen Adeline reflected.