United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They had met again at a garden party and fallen once more deeply in love. If only her tiresome old Borgia would die was the thought that came too often into the mind of Arbella, now entering the "thirties" of life, and with the least possible misgiving of her Colonel's constancy if she became presently "un peu trop mûre."

"Pourrie avant d'etre mure. Mure, America is certainly far from being; but I am not disposed to accuse her yet of being quitepourrie." "We had flattered ourselves," said Eve, a little reproachfully, "with having at last found a countryman in Mr. Powis." "And how would that change the question?

Their dogs are huge, also; so far the parallel holds. We regret that strict regard to truth forbids us to pursue the comparison. 'I found myself on a sudden, says Mr. Mure makes the following explanations:

I'd call it Maria, or I'd put an Ann on to it. Mara-ann, now, wouldn't sound so strange." "It's a Scriptur' name, sister," said Aunt Ruey, "and that ought to be enough for us." "Well, I don't know," said Aunt Roxy. "Now there was Miss Jones down on Mure P'int called her twins Tiglath-Pileser and Shalmaneser, Scriptur' names both, but I never liked 'em.

Started at half-past four, and arrived at home, if we must call it so, at nine o'clock in the evening. I employed my leisure in the chaise to peruse Mure of Auchendrane's trial, out of which something might be coopered up for the public. It is one of the wildest stories I ever read. Something might surely be twisted out of it. June 5.

But as to the valuation of the danger, it is probably as yet imperfect from mere defect of experience: the total amount of travellers is unknown. And it may be argued that at least Colonel Leake, Mr. Dodwell, and our present Mr. Mure, with as many more as have written books, cannot be among the killed, wounded, or missing.

Of the potato, and such venerous roots as are brought out of Spain, Portugal, and the Indies to furnish up our banquets, I speak not, wherein our mures of no less force, and to be had about Crosby-Ravenswath, do now begin to have place. Sweet cicely, sometimes miscalled myrrh. Mure is the Saxon word. At one time the plant was not uncommon as a salad.

'There was no river mouth visible, the operation being performed in the briny sea itself; and, so far from this being unusual, Mr. Mure, 'I looked in vain for a figure, which either as to face or form could claim even a remote resemblance to Nausicaa.

'You will rejoice to hear that Miss Macleod, of Rasay , is married to Colonel Mure Campbell, an excellent man, with a pretty good estate of his own, and the prospect of having the Earl of Loudoun's fortune and honours. Is not this a noble lot for our fair Hebridean? How happy am I that she is to be in Ayrshire.

It was close on eleven when the great adventurer set out upon this momentous stage of his journey: the Polish Lancers leading, then the chasseurs of his Old Guard with their time-worn grey coats and heavy bear-skins; some of them were on foot, others packed closely together in wagons and carts which the enthusiastic agriculturists of La Mure had placed at the disposal of "the Emperor."