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In most places the rebels proved to be wretched bands of marauders intent only on plunder, and, although they committed many murders, they were utterly incapable of meeting the loyalists in the field.

Cora's in jail.... They say Cora laughed when he went to prison with Scannell.... Scannell and Mulligan!" He spat out the words with a savage distaste. "Let me show you something, Dave. A reporter from the New York Express was out here gathering data crime statistics for the year. He showed it to me. Listen to this: Four hundred and eighty-nine murders in California during ten months.

Silva used to listen to what Mr Brand said to him, and he always behaved very well. Indeed, we had ceased to remember that he had been a pirate, and had joined in the most atrocious murders; still, I do not know that he was a changed man I am afraid not; that is to say, I am afraid had a piratical vessel come off the island, he would not have refused to join her.

There was no weakness left in him. "For my part, I like Hazon," cut in Holmes decisively; "he only wants knowing. And because he doesn't let himself go for the benefit of every bounder on the Rand, they talk about him as if he'd committed no end of murders.

The desperadoes who make use of these terrible weapons usually display as many red stripes, cut in the steel, upon their long pointed blades as they have committed murders, and are esteemed by their companions in proportion to the number indicated by this horrible record.

Now, when they had a crook whom the crime fitted so well, this crazy old scientist had to come along and spoil it all with his queer doings. Jimmy, in short crisp sentences told this individual of the latest developments of the Tontine murders. He concluded by asking: "What are you going to do about this, Mr. Englehardt, and what are you going to do with 'Fingy' Smith?" Mr.

I have no thought, in writing of Napoleon, to draw a comparison between him and the ex-Kaiser and his guilty coadjutors in crime, who forced a peaceful world into unspeakable war. They have been guilty of the foulest of murders, which will outmatch in ferocity every phase of human barbarity. There can be no pardon or pity for them.

There is a superstition among the Khasis concerning U thlen, a gigantic snake which requires to be appeased by the sacrifice of human victims, and for whose sake murders have even in fairly recent times been committed.

Every man in the whole outfit, with the exception of one teamster, who luckily got to the Arkansas River and hid, was murdered, the animals all carried away, and the wagons and contents destroyed by fire. This foolish act by the master of the caravan was the cause of a long war, causing hundreds of atrocious murders and the destruction of a great deal of property along the whole Western frontier.

The evils which we have seen the skulls, the ruined villages, the numbers who perish on the way to the coast and on the sea, the wholesale murders committed by the Waiyau to build up Arab villages elsewhere these things Mukaté often tried to turn off with a laugh, but our remarks are safely lodged in many hearts.