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The whole thing is a mystery, and seems likely to remain so." "It seems to me," said the girl, after a pause, "that it would be best for my father to return this mummy to Don Pedro, and have done with it, since it seems to bring bad luck. Then he can marry Mrs. Jasher, and go to Egypt on her fortune to seek for this tomb." "I doubt very much if Mrs.

They were, after all, but predatory, unscrupulous men; and we had with us a considerable bulk of precious things. They, or at least the dangerous ones amongst them, did not know why it was so precious; they took it for granted that it was material treasure of some kind that we carried. We had taken the mummy from the sarcophagus, and packed it for safety of travel in a separate case.

"Well, then, Sidney said that he could not bring the mummy to this place last night as it was so late. He intended so he told my father in the letter to remove the case containing the mummy ashore to an inn near the wharf at Pierside, and there would remain the night so as to take care of it." "That's all right," said Hope, puzzled. "Where's your difficulty?"

"Don Pedro told me that many Indians, both in Lima and Cuzco, who look upon him as the lawful descendant of the last Inca, are anxiously expecting the return of the royal mummy. He also stated that when the Indians knew who held the mummy they would send one of themselves to get it back, if he Don Pedro, that is did not fetch it.

At the sight of the wrapped figure of the mummy I was fully prepared to see her scream and faint, but on the contrary, to my complete amazement, she merely bowed her head and dropped quietly upon her knees. Then, after a pause of more than a minute, she raised her eyes to the roof and her lips began to mutter as in prayer.

He and his assistant with one accord threw their obligations to the winds, and leaving their lathered victims helpless, advanced to the window. "Ain't he a taisy?" said Reifsnyder, marvelling. But the man in the first chair, with a grievance in his mind, had found a weapon. "Why, that's only Henry Johnson, you blamed idiots! Come on now, Reif, and shave me. What do you think I am a mummy?"

Dost Thou desire really, my good father, that I should go? But if I go Thou wilt be alone, and will any one be with thee?" Now the high priest Herhor burned incense before the mummy, and Mefres poured out wine, saying, "To thy second self we offer this, O Osiris-Mer-Amen-Ramses, sovereign of Upper and Lower Egypt, whose voice in the presence of the great god is truthful."

"Daddy loves you and mummy loves you and I adore you," cried Susan. Whereupon there was much hugging of a spoiled monkey. We went upstairs.

He would go back to Wellsville, which he should never have left. The waster had him in the car outside, a firm grasp on one of his arms. "I'll allow you only one," said the waster judicially as the car moved off. "I know where the chap makes them perfectly brings a mummy back to life " "A mum what mummy?" asked Bean dreamily. "Your own, if you had one, you silly juggins!"

After a stay of three months in the quarter of the dead the mummy of the pharaoh was ready for a solemn funeral; therefore it was taken back to the palace. During seventy days, in the course of which the revered remains were steeping in the solution of soda, Egypt was in mourning. The temples were closed; there were no processions. All music ceased; no feasts were given.