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Apparently she means the Notables and the Parliament. The Duc de Guines. See ante, ch. xviii. "'Il faut, dit-il, avec un mouvement d'impatience qui lui fit honneur, 'que, du moins, l'archevêque de Paris croie en Dieu." Souvenirs par le Duc de Levis, p. 102. The continuer of Sismondi's history, A. Renée, however, attributes the archbishop's appointment to the influence of the Baron de Breteuil.

And the mission of these men of intelligent culture seemed to be to poser des lapins sur la jeune presse. Each one came in turn with his little volume of poems, his little play, his little picture; all were men of "advanced ideas"; in other words, they were all dans le mouvement.

What is practically the Syndicalist program was advocated by a French delegate to the Congress of the International at Bale in that same year. And also in Italy. A good, short account of the Italian movement is given by A. Lanzillo, ``Le Mouvement Ouvrier en Italie, Bibliotheque du Mouvement Proletarien. See also Paul Louis, ``Le Syndicalisme Europeen, chap. vi.

How I used to enjoy these conversations! I remember how I used to stand on the pavement after having bid the old gentleman good-night, regretting I had not asked for some further explanation regarding le mouvement Romantique, or la façon de M. Scribe de ménager la situation. Why not write a comedy? So the thought came. I had never written anything save a few ill-spelt letters; but no matter.

Mohammed Ali, "Le Mouvement musulman dans l'Inde," Revue Politique Internationale, January, 1914. He headed the so-called "Khilafat Delegation" sent by the Indian Moslems to England in 1919 to protest against the partition of the Ottoman Empire by the peace treaties. A. Servier, Le Nationalisme musulman, p. 181. G. Civimini, in the Corriere della Sera, December 30, 1919.

At first warmly seconded, Government soon met with an unaccountable opposition even from its subjects. The Dutch was combated by those connected with education. It was ridiculed by the Walloon population. Since the independence of Belgium, the mouvement flamand has been felt more than once by the would-be French rulers.

The lieutenant produced the military permit to travel in the army zone the ordre de mouvement, a printed form on a blue sheet about the size of a leaf of typewriter paper. "Pass," said the sergeant, and saluted. The sentry retired to his post on the sidewalk. At the door of the wineshop the woman continued to stare at us with an animal curiosity.

That important continental organ of socialist and syndicalist theory, Le Mouvement socialiste, suggested that the realism of Karl Marx and Prudhon is hostile to all forms of intellectualism, and that, therefore, supporters of Marxian socialism should welcome a philosophy such as that of Bergson.

The pleasure in bright red, or yellow, for instance, may thus well be the feeling-tone arising in the purely physiological effect of the color. If red works like a trumpet call, while blue calms and cools, and if red is preferred to blue, it is because a sharp stimulation is so felt, and so preferred. <1> Ch. Fere, Sensation et Mouvement, 1887, p. 80.

At this transition state, through which Venice passed so nobly, have we now arrived. We have collected our materials, and piled them up together, but just as all seems most propitious, le mouvement s'arrête, the materials will not coalesce. The brass and the silver, the iron and the gold, are all in the crucible, but there is no fusion, only a discordant clash. Alas! there is no heat.