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Then the servants tried in vain to hold back the excited couch, well, these servants may have lied, and, at most, could not examine 'les ressorts secrets qui causaient ce mouvement'. Now, M. Poupart deserts the theory that we can make a bed run about, by lying kicking on it, and he falls back on hidden machinery.

For a number of years I have read faithfully Le Mouvement Socialiste, but I confess that I have not understood their dazzling metaphysics, and I am somewhat comforted to see that both Levine and Lewis find them frequently incomprehensible.

By vigorously irritating the sensory nerves of the hand the boy imparts a stimulus to his muscular system. His act belongs to a large group which has been especially studied by Féré. See his Sensation et Mouvement , and Pathologie des Emotions .

A peine étions nous entrés qu'une douzaine de Sarrasins s'approcha pour nous regarder. Je portois un grand chapeau de feutre, qui n'est point d'usage dans le pays. Un d'eux vint le frapper par dessous d'un coup de baton, et il me le jeta par terre. J'avoue que mon premier mouvement fut de lever le poing sur lui.

"What is it?" I said to a Zouave who was plodding along beside the ambulance. "Des Boches crossing the river." The regiment plodded on as before. Now and then a soldier would stop and look up at the aeroplanes. "He's coming!" I heard a voice exclaim. Suddenly, the adjutant whom I had seen before came galloping down the line, shouting, "Arrêtez! Arrêtez! Pas de mouvement!"

These, in many parts of the country, were equally numerous and influential. They possessed, indeed, certain advantages in the discussion, which, in some degree, served to counterbalance the impelling and stimulating influences which always belong to a 'mouvement' party.

I spent fifteen days there, and was greatly struck by what I saw, and it then occurred to me that there was material here for just the sort of novel that I like to write a novel in which great masses of men can be shown in motion /un grand mouvement de foule/ a novel the subject of which stirred up my philosophical ideas.

The passage work at times smacks of Chopin and Weber a hint of the Mouvement Perpetuel and the 'cello has the better of the bargain. Evidently written for my lady's chamber. Two Polonaises remain. One, in B flat minor, was composed in 1826, on the occasion of the composer's departure for Reinerz. A footnote to the edition of this rather elegiac piece tells this.

La premiere entraina la seconde dans un mouvement retrograde; de plus elle y apporta assez de confusion pour que ces deux lignes reunies crussent n'avoir d'autre parti a prendre que celui de la fuite," etc. Memoires, vol. i. p. 257. There can be no question as to the general soundness of this criticism, and we should not have continued the movement described if we had been attacked in force.

She was a handsome little woman of about twenty-four. Her husband was at the war. She asked me why we had come to Villers-Pol. I said we were retreating a little pour attaquer le mieux un mouvement stratégique. She wept bitterly and loudly, "Ah, my baby, what will they do to us?