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The only passenger was a policeman, who stood on the rear platform calmly gazing at the sea of angry, excited faces on either side. "This car's got to stop!" shouted a big, brawny fellow, springing onto the step and giving the motorman a threatening glance. "This car ain't a-goin' to stop!" retorted the motorman, grimly, as he released the brake.

The crowd watching them, cheered and jeered: "Goin' it some, Antoine! Don't get left!" "Keep on your pins, you Dagos!" "Steady, Polacks there's the strap!" "Gee up, Johnny!" This to the motorman. "Gosh, it's like a soda bottle fizzin' to hear them Rooshians talkin'." "Hooray for you!"

She noticed that the trees were loaded with the snow which was accumulating rapidly; and, as a car rattled by, its roof was heaped with a light drift, and the motorman was slapping his breast with his free arm to keep himself warm. "Those horrid cars!" thought the little lady. "With all our efforts to prevent, we couldn't keep them off the Avenue. They are so distinctly plebeian yet convenient.

When the car came along Rhoda got in at the front and took the corner seat again, while the others crowded in through the rear door. The old man who acted as motorman was well known to some of the girls, and they hailed him, as well as the conductor, gayly. But the motorman seemed in no pleasant mood, for he scarcely answered their sallies.

She could do that, for from the start she had been kind to the girl from Rose Ranch. But the others hesitated. Rhoda was not a shallow girl. She did not turn easily from one attitude to another. The unconscious motorman had been picked up and laid on a seat in the car, and the conductor had run them into Freeling. John was there put in a hospital ambulance. That was all they could do for him.

"They're not forced by the company to work seven days a week only they're not given pay enough to let them take even one day off without feeling it. This very motorman I was talking with got to telling me why he was working so extra hard just then.

A motorman shielded his eyes from the right merry whirl and swore in his throat. A fruit-cheeked girl paused in the flare of a Mammoth Store show-window, looked up at her lover and the flaky star that lit and died on his mustache, and laughed with the musical glee of a bird. A beggar slid farther out from his doorway and pushed his hat into the flux of the sidewalk.

Like the boxes, this coil was in series with the armature, and subject to plugging in and out at will by the motorman. Thus equipped, the locomotive was found quite satisfactory, and long did yeoman service.

Lynch the motorman! at the top of their voices. Some of them run to the nearest cigar store to get a rope; but they find the last one has just been cut up and labelled. Hundreds of the excited mob press close to the cowering motorman, whose hand is observed to tremble perceptibly as he transfers a stick of pepsin gum from his pocket to his mouth.

But I've been reading; and I've made to you it may seem silly to call it a discovery, but to me it's the greatest discovery I've ever made: that people are just people, all of them that the little mousey clerk may be a hero, and the hero may be a nobody that the motorman that lets his beastly car spatter mud on my nice new velvet skirt may be exactly the same sort of person as the swain who commiserates with me in his cunnin' Harvard accent.