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'Wait a bit, resumed Dubuche; 'I have to stop here five minutes longer with one of my poor duckies, and afterwards we'll go indoors. Gently, and with infinite motherly precautions, he removed little Alice from the perambulator and lifted her to the trapeze.

"It is for my Uncle Martin," he said, timidly. "Do you think he will like it?" The motherly housekeeper looked at the poor little tree, decked out in its scraps of cast-off finery, and felt a sob rising in her throat, but she held up her hands with many admiring exclamations that made Jules glow with pride.

Our women do not kiss one another like the city ladies; but the motherly grip of Mary Bruce's hand sent a thrill to Flora's heart.

But the motherly looking woman across the aisle had been watching Arethusa for some time also. And when Peter's sobs had ceased, and she looked up once more from her family cares to see Arethusa conversing so animatedly with her chance acquaintance, she decided at once to interfere.

She was not an especially motherly person except in moments of reproof and then she always spoke in a remote third person. "Honor, Mother wants you to be more with girls." Then, as if to make it clear that she was not merely advancing a personal whim, "You need to be more with girls." "Why?" "Why why because Mother says you do." Mrs. Lorimer did not like to argue.

When Mrs Rendell said good-night to her daughter, she was especially tender in her manner, for she vaguely felt that all was not going well, and took herself to task for having forced a confidence. Could it be be that she had taken too much for granted? that her motherly pride had given her an exaggerated idea of Ned Talbot's feelings?

She is better." Lark patted the heaving shoulders in a motherly way, and when Fairy lifted her face again it was all serene, though her lashes were wet. "She is conscious," said Fairy, still on her knees, but with her head thrown back, and smiling. "She regained consciousness a little while ago. There is nothing really serious the matter. It was a hard knock, but it missed the temple.

Grantly, unreal, unhealthy, scintillant with frigid magnetism, warmed and melted as though of truth she were dew and he sun. Mr. Barton beamed broadly upon him, and was colossally gracious. Aunt Mildred greeted him with a glow of fondness and motherly kindness, while Uncle Robert genially and heartily demanded, "Well, Chris, my boy, and what of the riding?"

"I thought you liked the storm so," observed Ruth. "I do, but I like supper too, and I think it must be ready." Out of the sleds climbed the cold and cramped picture players, all thought of the fierce storm now forgotten. "Go right in," invited Mr. Macksey. "Supper's waiting!" "Welcome to Elk Lodge!" called a motherly voice, and Mrs. Macksey appeared in the open door of the main corridor.

In those days he had felt sufficient for life; now all his feeling was summed up in the desire that was scarcely a hope, that some heavenly power, holy and strong, would come to his aid. It is when the whole good of life hangs in a trembling balance that people become like children, and feel the need of the motherly powers of Heaven.