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By the side of the hunted man stands a mighty figure, and it is His strength, not the mortal's impotence, that has to be overcome.

The story of Gilgamesh is an illustration of the hopelessness of a mortal's attempt to secure the kind of immortal life which is the prerogative of the gods.

Amelie's eyes were suffused with tears: it was in her heart, if ever in any mortal's, to love her enemies. "Oh, we cared for them the best we could. The Baron de St.

The Minerva Medica, Niobe, Apollo, the Faun, the Torso Belvedere, the Apollo Belvedere, and a thousand others; above all, that miracle of ancient art the Laocoon: "A father's love and mortal's agony, With an immortal's patience blending: vain The struggle; vain, against the coiling strain And gripe, and deepening of the dragon's grasp, The old man's clench; the long envenom'd chain Rivets the living links, the enormous asp Enforces pang on pang, and stifles gasp on gasp."

Before he left, the Cure knelt down and prayed, "for the good of this poor mortal's soul and body." As he prayed, Charley knelt down also, and kept his eyes-calm unwondering eyes-full fixed on the good M. Loisel, whose grey hair, thin peaceful face, and dark brown eyes made a noble picture of patience and devotion.

You have had half a lifetime to rest in, and when Caesar is gone you will have as many more years for the same laudable purpose " As he spoke the steward had silently gone off, but the architect did not spare him the end of the sentence; he shouted after him: "Unless by that time you are smothered in your own fat. Is it Nile-mud or blood that runs in that huge mortal's veins?"

Nor wealth, nor joy, nor aught but pain, Was e'er to mortal's lot secure: Our first best lesson to endure! ISABELLA. What shall I hear? What horrors lurk beneath This funeral pall? Some strange, mysterious dread Enthrals my sense. I would approach, and sudden The ice-cold grasp of terror holds me back! Whate'er it be, I will unveil Eternal Powers! it is my son!

It was the kind of thing that it suited poets to make tragedies of, but it did not should not happen in sober, daily life. And if, as it seemed in this case, it was beyond mortal's power to prevent it, then the only fitting thing to do was promptly to make an end. And because, over the approach of this end, he suffered, he now called himself hard names. What had he expected?

The newcomer's black eyes flashed, and his thin lips parted in a smile as he bent low and ceremoniously kissed his hostess' hand in continental fashion. Fond, as are most men of the Latin race, of making extravagant compliments, he murmured softly: "Your tiny ears, Madam, were not intended to distinguish such gross sounds as ordinary mortal's footsteps.

This was the most costly and notable of all the many tributes I received, and for which in different forms I expressed my gratitude. "Who gave this cup?" The secret thou wouldst steal Its brimming flood forbids it to reveal: No mortal's eye shall read it till he first Cool the red throat of thirst.