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After proceeding two or three miles under the guidance of Morgana, the equestrians gained the road, though it still ran through the forest. Here the Doctor dismissed the gipsy-man, with whom he had occasionally conversed during their progress; but not a sound ever escaped from the mouth of Cadurcis, or rather, the captive, who was now substituted in Morgana's stead.

The Marchese Rivardi, thinking along the usual line of masculine logic, had frequently turned over the problem of Morgana's complex character such as it appeared to him, and had almost come to the conclusion that if he only had patience he would succeed in persuading her that wifehood and motherhood were more conducive to a woman's happiness than all the most amazing triumphs of scientific discovery and attainment.

A little smile, dreamy and mysterious, crept round Morgana's lips. "Yes!-perhaps you are!" she said "I understand! You would not like to leave HIM! I am sure that is so! You want to feed your big bear regularly with bread and milk yes, you poor deluded child! Courage! You may still have a chance to be, as you say, 'his woman! And when you are I wonder how you will like it!"

Forward they must march through the garden of enchantment, henceforth taking the precaution to walk with drawn sword, and, like Orlando in Morgana's park, to stuff their casques with roses that they might not hear the siren's voice too clearly. It was thus that Italy began the part she played through the Renaissance for the people of the North.

Nevertheless, the size, the swiftness and soundlessness of the "White Eagle" and the secrecy observed in its making, had somewhat moved the heavy lump of human dough called "society," and the whispered novelty of Morgana's invention had reached Rome and Paris, nay, almost London, without her consent or knowledge.

She is an ardent Spanish creature warm-hearted and simple as a child, she believes" and Morgana's eyes had a pathetic wistfulness "she believes, as all women believe when they love for the first time, that love has a divine power next to that of God! that it will work miracles of recovery when all seems lost.

Early dawn peered through the dark sky like the silvery light of a pale lamp carried by an advancing watchman, and faintly illumined the outline of a long, high, vastly extending wooden building which, at about a mile distant from Morgana's "palazzo" ran parallel with the sea-shore.

But this phenomenon to-day was perfectly exhibited. Like a mirage on the wilderness, like Fata Morgana's palace ascending from the deep, the pure and noble vision stayed suspense 'twixt heaven and ocean. At the same time the breeze failed, and we rowed slowly between Procida and Capo Miseno a space in old-world history athrong with Cæsar's navies.

As the salutation to heaven finished, the mellow music of the organ in the chapel sent a wave of solemn and prayerful tenderness on the air, and, moved by the emotion of the hour, Morgana's heart beat more quickly and tears filled her eyes. "There must be beautiful music in the Golden City!" she said. Don Aloysius smiled. "There is!

Morgana's swift glance travelled from its one end to the other with a flash of appreciation, while at the same time she received the salutations of all the men who advanced to greet her. "You have done well, my friends!" she said, speaking in fluent French "This beautiful creature you have made seems a perfect thing, from the OUTSIDE. What of the interior?"