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Just as when some of these societies git to raisin' money for the poor or for some new buildin' or something, and they divide their 'raisers' up in bands, the people who ask you for subscriptions fergit what it is for in their hurry to show that they raised more'n some other band." "I'm afraid, Drusilla, that Mr. Thompson has got on to your nerves." "I ain't got no nerves, John.

"Does this hole go far in?" he asked, after a fruitless poking about with the stick. "Ay, a long way. More'n a hundred yards," returned Bevan. "Well, I'll have a look at it." Saying which Gashford pushed the light as far in as he could reach, and then, taking a bowie-knife between his teeth, attempted to follow. We say attempted, because he was successful only in a partial degree.

"I can't stand to talk about it any more'n you can to listen, but I'm goin' to find out what's the matter with you, and I'm goin' to straighten you out!" Roscoe shook his head helplessly. "You can't straighten me out." "See here!" said Sheridan.

I've seen a man get off a lot a week old, just with the dodge of hot spiced gravy poured out of an oil can into a hole in the lid, and that gravy no more'n a little brown flour and water; but the spice did it.

I've been told the channel between 'em sometimes isn't more'n a foot deep; but in other places there may be good water. What I mean to say is that they're not charted, and I doubt if any man living could find his way through 'em the same way twice. They lay in a bunch stretching about forty miles north and south, and maybe fifteen or twenty through.

"In place of the motor business we'll use good hard muscle with these setting poles. And so long as we can touch bottom right along, it ain't going to be a very hard job getting back to the island. You don't think it's more'n half a mile; do you, Paul?" "Not much more, and we can take our time, Jud. The one thing above all others we've got to keep in mind is silence.

"I know a girl named Sadie Whirtle," continued Kern, "and there was a man named Toatwood made a lot of money, corntracting, and his wife she took some of the money and went to Europe in a steamer and stayed more'n two months buying clo'es.

I know he's at the root on't, though Bill didn't say so, and I hate him wuss than pizen; he, who has been at the wheel in my shop and begged swill for a livin'! he to be settin' up for a gentleman and a cuttin' out my Bill, who will be wuth more'n a million, yes, two millions, probably, and you have refused him! Do you hear me, gal?

"I ain't never seed more'n three houses together in a clearin' before. I I ain't never been outen the timber till today. But I aim to see more, naow before I git done!" The man experienced a peculiar sensation. The boy's low, passionlessly vehement statement somehow made him feel that it wasn't a boy to whom he was talking, but a little and grave old man.

"I'll make some cake, though, and you'll want witnesses, so Louis and I can come, anyway." "'Spect you two need to get used to dat yere ceremony more'n de rest of de folks yere; yas, you kin come." Oh! how Louis laughed at this, saying: "There, Emily, Matthias knows too much; look out for breakers when you talk to him." The old man laughed heartily also, and left us to talk over the coming event.