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Have there not been religions indisputably on a moral level lower than that of the community which they represent? Undoubtedly. And there have been governments so bad that the only refuge has seemed to lie in revolution.

"How do you know if I don't know? Most girls are kissed; I well I didn't expect to be. But I was! I tell you, Grace, I don't know what I am or shall be. I'm unsafe; I know that much." "It's moral and honest to realize it," said Mrs. Ferrall suavely; "and in doing so you insure your own safety.

I then returned to the canoe, carrying the cocoanuts, to deposite in the hold. My master asked me where I got them; I told him Lay's master gave them to me. If this minute detail should appear unimportant to the reader, he may draw a moral from it; for it evinces that my master was like other masters, desirous to know if his servant came honestly in possession of the cocoanuts.

But let men recover their faith in the moral law, let them see that retribution is inevitable justice, let them realise that the life of man is a progress in spiritual comprehension, let them understand that existence is a great thing and not a mean thing, and they will feel again the compulsion to preach, and their preaching, founded on the moral law and inspired by faith in the teaching of Christ, will draw the world from the destructive negations of materialism, and wake it out of the fatal torpors of dull indifference.

The Creator has bestowed upon every one a mind, upon the cultivation of which our rank among intelligent beings, our happiness, our moral and intellectual power, every thing valuable to us, depend; and after all the cultivation which we can bestow, in this life, upon this mysterious principle, it will still be in embryo. The progress which it is capable of making is entirely indefinite.

There is a perennial charm and fascination in the quiet life of the old religious houses in the world, yet not of the world which appeals to aesthetic and moral elements in our minds in equal degree.

The nearer determination of the ideal is to be sought in the manifestations of the eternal spirit as they have been given in the moral history of individuals and nations.

There isn't a competent doctor in England who will venture to deny it! On those plain grounds my System is based. I assert the medical treatment of nervous suffering to be entirely subsidiary to the moral treatment of it. That moral treatment of it you find here.

It is one of a series of stories of everyday life in Sweden a beautiful book, full of the noblest moral lessons for every man and woman. In the summer of 1841 the Howitts, accompanied by their elder daughter, Anna, made a long tour through Germany and Austria, in the course of which they collected materials for fresh works, and visited the celebrities, literary and artistic, of the various cities that lay in their route.

Spinoza brought man back into nature, and made him the nucleus of all moral values, showing how he may recognise his environment and how he may master it. But Spinoza's sympathy with mankind fell short of imagination; any noble political or poetical ideal eluded him. Everything impassioned seemed to him insane, everything human necessarily petty.