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His intellect was indeed darkened by many superstitions and prejudices: but his moral character, when impartially reviewed, sustains a comparison with any in ecclesiastical history, and seems to approach, as near as human infirmity permits, to the ideal perfection of Christian virtue. His labour of love was of no long duration. A rapid and effectual gaol delivery was at hand.

At first he would not drink of it, and cited the Bible verses that inveigh against wine, to inspire himself with moral courage. At length Asmodeus succumbed to his consuming thirst, and drank till his senses were overpowered, and he fell into a deep sleep. Benaiah, watching him from a tree, then came, and drew the chain about Asmodeus' neck.

He said he believed that in every great moral crisis, in every ordeal of conscience, a man was aware of standing in the presence of something sent to try him and test him, and that this something was the Angel of the Lord.

At one of the small branches or stations rather, of the Brooklyn Public Library, a certain small boy used to appear at least two or three times a week and ask the librarian, "Have you got the 'Moral pirates' yet?" And over and over again the librarian was forced wearily to answer, "No, not yet, Sam."

Speaker: I am no politician; I came to this legislature simply because I wish to have the honor of voting for the two constitutional amendments one for driving slavery entirely out of our country; the other to allow men of education and good moral character to vote, regardless of the color of their skins.

A model of close logic and moral austerity, with a stiff and manly eloquence, so impressed with the miserable insufficiency of human efforts, that he said as he was dying, "My God, I have wasted life; it is just that Thou recall it." There remained only Fenelon in the first rank, which Massillon did not as yet dispute with him.

"Woman!" cried Miss Pringle, shaking with the stress of her moral wrath. "Where are my plum preserves?" And with this cryptic utterance the little lady, having come to the end of her strength, primly fainted. Jefferson picked her up and carried her, in a serene and stately manner, to the cabin. The rain had ceased almost as Miss Pringle was removed to the cabin. The storm had passed.

It is the more honour to Sidney that, shackled as he was by conditions from which no man could escape altogether, he should have struck a note at once so deep and so strong as is sounded in the Apologie. II. In turning from Sidney to Dryden we pass into a different world. The philosophy, the moral fervour, the prophetic strain of the Elizabethan critic have vanished.

Their barbarous ignorance even in the time of Elizabeth, notwithstanding the intellectual and literary glories of this country in that period. Sunk in ignorance still in what has often been called our Augustan age. Strange insensibility of the cultivated part of the nation with regard to the mental and moral condition of the rest.

There might even be troops waiting there, summoned by Sher Singh when he found himself worsted in the moral combat, and in that case the struggle would take place immediately, and could have but one result.