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Johnson became President of the United States, he appointed Meagher to the position of Governor of Montana Territory, in the far West, a post which he held until his death. His end was sad and sudden.

At the mouth of Medicine river, the air was literally clouded with feathered game, hurrying into warmer latitudes from the frosty air of Montana and Dakota. At nine o'clock in the morning a landing was effected at the elbow of the great bend and breakfast made from choice bits of two ducks, shot just before.

But its memory will long remain like a fragrance in the cottage perhaps the only cottage in all this land where kindly feelings for the rat are cherished. The discovery of gold at Thompson's Flat, near the northern boundary of Montana, had been promptly followed by the expected rush of bold and needy adventurers. But disappointment awaited them.

Ford, so far as his speech upon the subject was concerned, had no existence previous to his appearance in Montana, five or six years before; but he bore certain earmarks of a higher civilization which, in Sandy's mind, rather concentrated upon a pronounced distaste for soda-yellowed bread, warmed-over coffee, and scorched bacon.

Don Pedro told us that in 1902 Lopez Torres, who had traveled much in the montaña looking for rubber trees, reported the discovery there of the ruins of an Inca city. All of Don Pedro's friends assured us that Conservidayoc was a terrible place to reach. "No one now living had been there." "It was inhabited by savage Indians who would not let strangers enter their villages."

Avare estimates the prong-horned antelope in Montana at three thousand head, of which about six hundred are under the quasi-protection of four ranches. The antelope need three or four small ranges, such as the Snow Creek Antelope Range, where the bad lands are too rough for ranchmen, but quite right for antelopes and other big game.

I like better the God to whom a little fellow in Montana prayed the other day, "O God, I thank you for helping me to lick Billy Johnson!" The child of the pantry needs to know the God who will help him to do and know the right. But protective lying presents a more serious problem with older children. The school-teacher and parent meet it, just as the judge and the employer meet it in adults.

This was the most exciting day that had been passed since their arrival in the Montana; and considering the result it was well that the occurrence had taken place. It had rid them of a pair of bad neighbours there would soon have been four that some time or other would have endangered the lives of some of the party.

"The people I was working for have a range in Tom Green County, Texas, and another one in Montana. They send their young steers north to mature good idea, too! but they are not cowmen like the ones we know. They made their money in the East in a patent medicine got scads of it, too. But that's no argument that they know anything about a cow.

"Why, a man I met in Montana," said Elizabeth, wondering how much she ought to tell. "A man you met in Montana! Horrors!" exclaimed the now thoroughly aroused grandmother. "Not that dreadful creature you ran away from?" "O no!" said Elizabeth, smiling. "Not that man. A man who was very kind to me, and whom I like very much." So much the worse. Immediate action was necessary.