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Action under a treaty would have the advantage of legality. In other words, the recent treaties with Caribbean states have converted American policy into law. The charge that in establishing protectorates and financial supervision over independent states we have violated the terms of the Monroe Doctrine is one that has been frequently made.

Monroe, in his special message of December 17, 1819, at the first session after the act was passed, announced to Congress what in his opinion was its true construction. He believed it to be his duty under it to follow these unfortunates into Africa and make provision for them there until they should be able to provide for themselves.

It is an easy guess that hundreds, not to say thousands, of babies were named for him within the next few months, and to this day the name Elmer, starting from him, has not ceased to be a favorite. A little more than two weeks later, on the 10th of June, the first real battle of the war was fought. This was at Big Bethel, Va., near Fortress Monroe.

Shuffles gathered a couple of the peaches, and urged his companion to use all possible haste in stripping the tree of its rich burden. "Hallo, there! What are you about?" shouted some one, who hastened to make his presence known to the plunderers. Monroe began to retreat. "Hold on!" interposed Shuffles. "It's no one but Harry Martyn." "He can tell of us just as well as anybody else."

Among the champions of the Constitution were Madison, Edmund Randolph, and John Marshall. James Monroe argued against the system of election which was destined twice to make him President. In spite of the determined opposition of Patrick Henry, and in spite of a proposition to ratify with amendments, the convention accepted. New York still held off.

It was in the midst of the diplomatic contest for the Floridas that James Monroe was for the second time elected to the Presidency, with singularly little display of partisanship. This time all the electoral votes but one were cast for him.

"Close to those walls where Folly holds her throne, And laughs to think Monroe would take her down, Where, o'er the gates, by his famed father's hand, Great Cibber's brazen, brainless brothers stand." Internally, it was divided by two long galleries, one over the other. These galleries were separated in the middle by iron grates.

"Where's your son?" asked the man of the house, as the dinner, accompanied by his wife, came in from the kitchen. "I don't know, Pa," Mrs. Monroe said earnestly yet soothingly. "Come, girls. Come, Pa!" Malcolm rose stiffly, and went to his place. "He comes and goes as if his father's house was a hotel, does he?" he asked, as one merely curious. "Is that the idea?" "Why, no, Pa." Mrs.

It was a blessing only to the savage who was being taught the rudiments of civilization at a tremendous cost to his teacher. The first Abolition Societies were organized in the South. Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, all the great leaders of the old South, the men whose genius created this republic all denounced Slavery.

The man of routine was but a man, after all, and, in his distress, he longed for some intelligent, friendly sympathy. Monroe recognized the mute appeal, but, from long habits of reticence, he was at a loss how to approach his stately chief. Determined, however, to give him an opportunity to speak, if he chose, Monroe asked after the news, the day's failures, and the prospects of business.