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The man, having tossed the rope which Betty and Mollie secured, now arranged the coils in the bottom of his boat so that it would pay out without tangling. "I was just passing when I saw your pickle," he told them. "Lucky I had the rope with me, and I knew old Muskrat Ike must have his punt hid along the bank somewhere. I routed it out and here I am. Now I'm off.

Mollie was so agitated she was actually trembling. "Girls, do you think they will?" "There, there, don't get so excited about it, Mollie, dear," cautioned the Little Captain. "You may be sure the boys will do the very best they can."

But Mollie was too much preoccupied by that haunting likeness to listen properly to what the hero was saying, once she had ascertained the fact that Mr. Smith belonged to the Campbell's Time, and that therefore she could not possibly have met himself before; it must have been somebody extraordinarily like him.

Sin came to the theatre, accompanied by Mollie Gretna. Rita instructed that she should be shown up to the dressing-room. The personality of this singular woman interested her keenly. Mrs. Sin was well known in certain Bohemian quarters, but was always spoken of as one speaks of a pet vice. Not to know Mrs.

Hurry!" shouted Mollie, the others joining their voices to hers. Presently the man was seen to be pushing something down to the river. "It's a boat!" cried Betty. "Now we're all right!" And it did seem to be some sort of boat in which the man was coming to the rescue. "What is he doing?" "What a queer boat!" "Sometimes it's in the water, and again it's on the ice!" "No matter!

But it is at least conceivable. Alas, no one can prove anything about the war. The conditions have no precedents. The sum of human misery and suffering is simply incalculable, as is the loss of life; and the gradual and general brutalization goes on and on and on far past any preceding horrors. With all my love to you and Mollie and the trio,

Immediately breakfast was over she announced her intention of devoting the morning to photography, and disappeared indoors, while Victor took his accustomed path to the stables. Mollie would have followed her sister, but Jack detained her with an appeal which could not be denied. "Stay and talk to me a little while; do! or I shall think you are offended by my stupidity yesterday.

Rodney, of course, was not sure that this letter of introduction was addressed to this particular Percival, but still he had no desire to make the gentleman's acquaintance if he could help it. While he was turning the matter over in his mind, the captain of the Mollie Able stepped out of the clerk's office and tapped him on the shoulder.

Then Betty said: "Girls, what do you make of it?" "It's a joke!" declared Grace. "It sounds far from being a joke," spoke Betty, seriously. "Girls, there may be a grim tragedy here." "How romantic!" sighed Mollie. "What shall we do with the money?" "We must take it home and consult our folks about it," decided Betty. "I'll ask papa and you might refer the question to yours, Amy.

At first the houseboat girls tried to interest her in their amusements, but Miss Jenny Ann persuaded them that it was wiser to let Mollie become accustomed to the change in her life in any way she could. Mollie never spoke of the past, and she seemed worried if any one of the girls questioned her about it. They did not even know whether she feared the return of Captain Mike or Bill.