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When we ask in wonder how so bitter an opposition to such a leader, or his work, could arise, we always find the sort of explanation which that famous man John Bright once wrote to Mrs. Booth: "The people who mob you would doubtless have mobbed the Apostles. Your faith and patience will prevail.

They repaired, privately, to one of the churches. To this they were pursued by the mob, and routed from it, though not before they had completed, in a hasty manner, the form of organization.

One thrown out of the window fell on a man's head in the street and killed him. While the armory was being attacked, another mob was sacking and burning houses on Lexington Avenue, near Forty-seventh Street.

Bivens rose and paced back and forth a moment. "Somebody's going to be master here, Jim," he repeated, "and it's not going to be a mob, the stupid, howling, slobbering thing that clutched at your throat that day in front of my bank." "No."

And, with that, she leaped upon the car, seized the reins in her hands and whipped up the horses, and before and behind her tore the savage, bloodthirsty mob with torches and pitchforks.

I consider my progress from the first village to Mvumi to have been most triumphant; for I was accompanied by a furious mob of men, women, and children, all almost as naked as Mother Eve when the world first dawned upon her in the garden of Eden, fighting, quarrelling, jostling, staggering against each other for the best view of the white man, the like of whom was now seen for the first time in this part of Ugogo.

The net result is that a public officer under a democracy is bound to regard the popular will during the whole of his term in office, and cannot hope to carry out any intelligible plan of his own if the mob has been set against it.

The house commanded the road, and the rush of the mob into the village was checked, but only for the instant. A rickety woodshed, which formed a portion of the Skillett mansion, closely joined the "Last Chance" side of the family place of business.

As they marched up the avenue, they saw three negroes hanging dead, while the crowd around filled the air with fiendish shouts. As the firm, compact head of the column moved forward, the mob fell back, but did not scatter. Colonel Mott dashed forward on horseback and cut down one of the negroes with his sword.

I could not well see what then followed: there was a sudden hush, a chorus of exclamations, a rush toward the steps of the town-hall, and then the crowd fell back to make way for two gendarmes who were carrying a body between them. "Is he dead?" asked a number of voices. "Oh no," tittered the two men "only fainted: he'll soon come round again." And the mob burst into a laugh.