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Now, you remember some time back that A. A. and your friend Landover had a mix-up in the last named gentleman's stateroom, and you also must remember that Mr. Landover told you about it and that Mr. Percival never told you anything about it. Well, I was a witness to that fracas. I just happened to be walking along the deck when something caught my eye and I went up close to see what it was.

Then Jimmie was propelled headlong into the room, where he landed squarely on top of the drowsy boy he had dragged out of bed. There was another scramble for points, and then two boys of about seventeen showed their faces in the doorway, laughing at the mix-up on the floor.

She began at Russ, and went to Rose, to Violet, to Laddie, and to Margy, and then Mrs. Bunker suddenly cried: "Why, you're not Mun Bun! Where is Mun Bun? You are not my little boy!" And, surely enough, there was a mix-up. For in the seat where Mun Bun had been sitting was a strange little boy. He was about as big as Mun Bun, but he was not one of the six little Bunkers. Where was Mun Bun?

He says Blount isn't half so innocent as he looks and acts. The speech-making has taken him into every corner of the State, and Farnsworth says he has been doing a lot of quiet prying around and investigating on the side." "I've been thinking," Gantry added, "what a beautiful mix-up we should have if the senator and his son should both conclude to pull out and get together at the last moment."

"Lots of Montana people here," said Mitchell cheerily. "We'll look 'em up. Probably find some of your old friends. People here from everywhere. Say Judge Harney got into a bad mix-up, didn't he? That young Charley Clark is a devil. I've met him up here."

He allowed that he could lick any Stone Breaker that ever came off the Bowery, and when he started to prove it there was a mix-up which made the breaking up of 'The Society upon the Stanislaus' look like a fist fight between two Frenchmen. The walls were covered with curiosities from all over the world, and pretty soon they were flying through the air.

These, with one exception, presented no peculiarity, races, jumping, tug-of-war, and a wheelbarrow race by young women, most of whom tried to escape when they learned what was in store for them. But the crowd laid hold on them and the event came off; the first heat culminating in a helpless mix-up, not ten yards from the starting-line, which was just what the crowd wanted and expected.

"Then he is a silly boy, and you tell him I said so," answered the tall policeman promptly. "Of course a bad boy might not want to see me; but this was a mighty good lad, to my way of thinking. He has an old head on young shoulders, to get you out of such a mix-up without a scratch."

You wouldn't need to go. It's ridiculous. You're needed here. Your father needs you." "He needs me the hell of a lot," the boy muttered. But he went over and, stooping down, kissed her trembling face. "Don't worry about me," he said lightly. "I don't think we've got spine enough to get into the mix-up, anyhow. And if we have " "You won't go. Promise me you won't go."

Can I have your wire, Mr. Sherwen?" "It's cut." "Come to the railway wire," offered Galpy. "My eye! Wot a game!" The two men ran out, the scientist leaving behind coat and goggles. "It was our little mix-up that started the rumor," said Carroll thoughtfully. "Somebody recognized Perk Dr. Pruyn." "When his glasses fell off," said CLuff. "They're some disguise."