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I'm very anxious, and the major is taking on dreadful! But I hope she is safe in some house. But, poor Wool, you must have had a dreadful time out all night in the storm looking for her!" "Awful! Missus Compliment, ma'am, awful!" said Wool. "Indeed, I know you had, poor creature, come in and get some warm breakfast," said the kind old lady. "I dare'nt, Missus Compliment.

"A wire or two should do it"; and, inviting the Dandy "to come and lend a hand," led the way to the telegraph office; and presently there quivered into Darwin the first hint that a missus was not wanted at the Elsey. "Would advise leaving wife behind till homestead can be repaired," it said; and, still confident of success, Mac felt that "ought to do the trick."

It was as if, when she wished to enter a room quietly, she was not content to enter it quietly and be satisfied with that, but first prepared for it by draping herself in strings of cow-bells and sleigh-bells, and then entered on tip-toe with painful care. "Missus Fenelby, ma'am," said Bridget, in a loud whisper, "would ye be havin' th' milkman lave wan or two quarts ov milk in th' mornin'?"

"How often I tole you, Unc., dat I heard ole Missus say herself dat plantation was all trompl'd in de groun' an' what was lef' was took fer taxes." "I forgits," remarked Uncle Sheba, his eyes growing heavy in his lack of interest; "but ole Marse Wallingford mus' hab lef' de widder ob his son someting." "Now look heah, Unc., you'se haf asleep.

"He's not a bad un at bottom, I do believe," she continued. "He never took on so till his missus died. Eh, but he was main fond o' her." Her husband shook his head "Nay, mother," he said "'Twould nob' but mak' it worse for t' lad. M'Adam'd listen to no one, let alone me."

'I know your wife. She won't commit suicide because you've gone. She possibly might have done it if you had stopped. So your maids won't be upset, and they won't commit suicide either. And the painter's man who spilt the whitewash over your books will be enjoying the joke over his Sunday dinner. You're no good at the leper-and-pariah business. Come over and be introduced to my missus.

Not but what missus a mighty fine woman she steps off like a queen, and I tell yer when she's dressed der ain't many kin hold a candle ter her, and as fur takin' de shine off, wal, I'd jis' like ter see anybody do dat." "It's all true," said Dolf, "as true as preachin'!" "Mr. Dolf," said Clo, gravely, "don't take dem seriousnesses so lightsome on yer lips."

They think that providence is allers on the look out to do them some good turn. "'What do you charge, Mr. Browne? says they, instanter. "Oh, a mere trifle, say I, instanter. Jist half-a-dollar a quarter part in cash, part in produce. "''Tis cheap, says they agin. "Tew little, says I, by half. "'Well, the children shall go, says the old man. 'Missus, you see to it.

Shoo!" Selector: "Just look at the French Revolution." Corney: "Now, Henry George-" Tom: "Marther! I seen a old-man kangaroo up on " Missus: "Shut up! Eat your dinner an' hold your tongue. Carn't you see someone's speakin'?" Selector: "Just look at the French " Shoo!" Blast yer! that I should say such a thing." Neighbour: "But 'Lookin' Backwards" Missus: "There you go, Tom!

"You have seen the rest of our crowd, then!" cried Whistler earnestly, "haven't you, Missus?" "No, no!" the old hag said, wagging her head. "Old Mag sees strange sights and knows more'n most folks. Oh, yes! Your little steamboat was blowed up by a big bomb in yon channel." "It was blown up by a Hun mine," declared Whistler bitterly. The old woman's eyes flashed at him threateningly.