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"The spare room is ready," he added, leading me to the door. Then he clapped his hands to call the servant, before I could prevent him. "But I have already been to the hotel," I protested. "Go to Missiri's with a hamál, and bring the Effendi's luggage," he said to the servant, who instantly disappeared. "Caught," he exclaimed, laughing, as he opened the door and showed me my little room.

He might have reached Pera, and be at that very moment refreshing himself with coffee and cigarettes at Missiri's hotel. Paul hastened his walk, and, reaching Galata, began at once to ascend the steep street which further on is called the Grande Rue, but which of all "great" streets least deserves the name. He then walked slowly, scrutinizing every face he saw.

Then go back and wait behind Agia Sophia, in case he comes that way again to look for the carriage. If I find him in Pera, I will send a messenger to tell you. If he does not come, meet me at Missiri's early to-morrow morning." "Pek eyi very good," answered the kaváss, who understood the wisdom of the plan.

When the members of the party retired to their rooms, on arriving at Missiri's, Macaulay had gone off with his father, and Paul had been left alone for a few minutes in the sitting-room. When all was quiet, Hermione opened her door softly and looked in. Paul was standing by the chimney-piece, contemplating the smouldering logs with the interest of a man who has nothing to do.