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Carew remarked, as he wrestled with a tough thong of bully beef which yielded to his jaws much as an India-rubber eraser might have done. Without making any pretence of extracting nutriment from his own ration, Weldon converted it into a missile and hurled it straight at his companion. "There's this difference," he returned pithily; "a gun is a good enough fellow to deserve Christian burial.

Whitworth's missile is a twisted prism, corresponding to the bore, of two and a half diameters, with a cone at the front of one half the diameter.

Considering the temper of the public at the time he thought it not improbable that an action would be brought against him, and in fancy he perceived himself standing at bay with the Authorised Version of the Bible in one hand as a shield, and Urquhart's Rabelais in the other as a missile. But though a man of amazing courage, Burton was not one to jeopardise himself unnecessarily.

And with a clutch at his hip he drew his pistol. "'Heave the lead' is it?" Blodgett muttered. "Ay, I'll heave the lead." He whipped up his arm and hurled the missile straight at Captain Falk's head. The captain dodged, but the lead struck his shoulder and felled him.

Admiral Walter had paled slightly under his deep tan. In stunned silence, the Navy officers and scientists watched as Tom's lean hands manipulated two controls. "What are those for?" Bud asked. "One's to speed up our recovery missile," Tom explained. "Looks like a slim hope, though, from the way that third blip is homing on target.

A huge fragment of shell came down and struck the trench bottom with a suggestively violent thud a foot from his head. Half sick with the instant thought, "If it had been a foot this way!..." half crazed with the sense of openness to such a missile, Bunthrop rose to his knees, pressing close to the forward parapet, and looking wildly about him. His sergeant saw him.

"It will be deep water directly," and he stopped with the current rippling just about his thigh. "Are you coming back!" cried the keeper, looking round about him and pretending to pick up a big stone. "No! Come arter us if you want us," cried Bob, while Dexter crouched down watching the man's hand, ready to dodge the missile he expected to see launched at them. "If you don't come back I'll "

The heavy missile, which, when picked up, was found to weigh nearly half a pound, just missed Tollemache, who was the first to take note of the sharp warning given by Suarez, but failed, nevertheless, to dodge quickly enough. The captain raised a double-barreled fowling-piece, the only gun on board, and fired point blank at the savages.

The boat came alongside, and a bowman fastened his boathook at the side of the ship, and held it in place. At the same moment Boxie let drive his sixty-pound shot; but he ought to have waited an instant longer, for the missile dropped harmlessly into the river. The bowman had not obtained a good hold, and he lost it, so that the boat began to drift astern.

But, the captain got a big matchlock ball through both his legs, the missile having been discharged at him as he turned sideways, with a "Follow me, lads!" to cheer us on.