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If Mir Jafar should elect to remain faithful to his master the English army would in all likelihood be annihilated. In these circumstances Clive wrote to the Committee of Council in Calcutta that he would not cross the river until he was definitely assured that Mir Jafar would join him. His decision seemed to be justified next day when he received a letter from Mr. Watts at Khulna.

"So the government is to be by a Mir, is it?" went on Paul. "Yes; the poor man is to have a say in it." "That will be interesting. But at the Mir every one talks at once and no one listens; is it not so?" The man made no reply. "Is the change coming soon?" asked Paul coolly. But there was no reply.

Sumroo's original patron, Mir Kasim, died about the same time, in the neighbourhood of Dehli, where he had settled, after years of skulking and misery, in the vain hope of obtaining employment in the Imperial service. But the detail of this year's events and their consequences requires a fresh chapter. If at any time they shall enter the country, their expulsion is the business of the Vuzeer.

So that I think that we might extract and take with happy interpretation those two last lines of the old, old Goethe's heartbreaking dedication to the generations whom he had outlived: "Was ich besitze, seh' ich wie im Weiten, Und was verschwand, wird mir zu Wirklichkeiten."

His son, Mir Mahmud, who succeeded him, turns out to be an excellent ruler. He is intelligent, conscientious, and has the welfare of his people at heart. There is little of interest except the political question and the peculiar appearance of the people up in that particular part of India. It has been debatable ground as far back as the earliest days of Aryan colonization.

As to being put on obrok, the serfs did not much object, though they preferred to remain as they were; but his proposal to break up the Mir astonished and bewildered them. They regarded it as a sea-captain might regard the proposal of a scientific wiseacre to knock a hole in the ship's bottom in order to make her sail faster.

Some at least would rather not; they would feel appallingly little interest in a Divinity after this sworn-attorney and chartered-accountant fashion, who must produce vouchers for all His acts. "Du gleichst dem Geist den du begreifst, Nicht Mir!" But this is not all. There is not only begging of the question but ignoring of the issue.

The peasantry, on the contrary at least, when the act was not the result of mere personal vengeance secretly sympathised with "the unfortunates," and long cherished their memory as that of men who had suffered for the Mir.

However, a contrary resolution prevailed in the Council. The opportunity of acquiring immense fortunes was too inviting to be neglected, and the temptation too powerful to be resisted. A treaty was hastily drawn up by the board, or rather transcribed, with few unimportant additions, from that concluded with Mir Jaffier, and a deputation, consisting of Messrs.

"There starts a caravan from Peshawur to Kabul in twenty days, Huzrut," said the Eusufzai trader, "My camels go therewith. Do thou also go and bring us good luck." "I will go even now!" shouted the priest, "I will depart upon my winged camels, and be at Peshawur in a day! Ho! Hazar Mir Khan," he yelled to his servant, "drive out the camels, but let me first mount my own."