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Do you expect me to open Parliament for you again next week, with the same ceremony, along the same route, and at the same risk?" He was assured that every precaution would be taken. "I hope so," he said in the tone of one who very much doubted whether the ministerial word was now worth anything.

Like all his attentions, this solicitude about the cough syrup had an air that was at once amorous and ministerial, a manner of implying, "Observe how I take possession of you always to your advantage." "Are you quite comfortable?" he asked when they had rolled between the stunted rose-bushes into the turnpike. "Oh, perfectly, you are always so thoughtful, Mr. Mullen."

Oh! that the ministers of the Gospel might have occasion to make the same boast of you, concerning this solemn ordinance before you, that they might say and rejoice, that you were a people, "that gave yourselves to the Lord," and unto the work of reformation, not by a Parliamentary fear, or by our ministerial compulsions; but, above our hopes, and beyond our expectations; of your own accord.

In France the young are condemned by the new legislation, by the blundering principles of elective rights, by the unsoundness of the ministerial constitution.

Nor do I question the lawfulness of this or that part of the church's assembling together for prayer: though the elders, and greatest part of the brethren, be absent. Second, Because this kind of worship, when done in and by a company, is MINISTERIAL to that company, as well as petitionary to God.

It is made up of codes in part obsolete or obsolescent; ukases and counter-ukases; imperial directions and counter-directions; ministerial orders and counter-orders; police regulations and counter-regulations; with no end of suspensions, modifications, and exceptions.

He wished too to unite in all cases the inspectorships of police with the office of stipendiary magistrate, to avoid collision; but the duties of inspector are of a mere ministerial and inferior character, and would not agree well with those of a magistrate. I must read to-morrow all the late protocols and despatches.

A man from another world, reading it, would believe that, with the exception of the Stock Exchange transactions, nothing gets done in Europe save by order of some master. You find nothing in the paper about institutions that spring up, grow up, and develop without ministerial prescription! Nothing or almost nothing!

And in the human heart there is such an ample supply of materials upon which to work such a tendency to evil such depravity of spirit such corruption of nature such love of the world such enmity against God, that he soon succeeds in erecting an edifice of delusory hope, in which the deluded soul takes shelter from the sharp-pointed arrows of ministerial fidelity and scriptural appeal.

In these he has, from an early period of his ministerial career, taken a deep and active interest. So far back as the year 1844-45 he was sent out to Canada, along with his uncle and the late Dr. Simpson of Kirknewton, as a deputation from the Church of Scotland to inquire into the progress of the Church in the British Provinces. About four years ago, he was sent to India in company with Dr.