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Mineralogische und Technologische Bemerkungen auf einer Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen in England und Schottland. Von J.C. Fabricius. Leipsic, 1784. 8vo. This work, the nature of which is indicated in the title, is enriched by the notes of that distinguished mineralogist Ferber. Reise nach Paris, London, &c. Von. Franck. Vienna, 1804. 2 vols. 8vo This work of Dr.

Still, for Reed's sake as well as Dolph's, I'm glad a trained assistant is coming. In fact, I might say I am glad on my own account." "You?" The doctor laughed. "Yes. I've had Dolph at all hours, tearing his hair in my laboratory, while I tried to coach him. I do think, for a boy brought up on belles-lettres, he's made a decent showing as assistant mineralogist. I like Dolph.

And he arrived with all the prestige of the Glen-Ellachie connection." "Or the Professor?" I went on. "Introduced to us by the leading mineralogist of England." I had touched a sore point. Charles winced and remained silent. "Then, women again," he resumed, after a painful pause. "I must meet in society many charming women.

Of like humble origin were Hauy, the mineralogist, who was the son of a weaver of Saint-Just; Hautefeuille, the mechanician, of a baker at Orleans; Joseph Fourier, the mathematician, of a tailor at Auxerre; Durand, the architect, of a Paris shoemaker; and Gesner, the naturalist, of a skinner or worker in hides, at Zurich.

"'Zinc, then? faltered the minister. "'No, neither is it zinc. "All hope sank within the breast of the minister. He had not felt so downcast in many a day. "'Do you have many stones like these in your country? asked the mineralogist. "'We have a whole mountain, answered the minister.

Rather feebly written, and too minute on uninteresting points; in other respects valuable, as relating to a country of which we know comparatively little. The countries of Europe, the travels into which we have hitherto enumerated, do not present very various and numerous objects of research. In Scandinavia the natural historian, especially the mineralogist, will be chiefly interested.

Among the company at the door were the mineralogist and the owner of the gold opera glass whom we had encountered in the Notch; two Georgian gentlemen, who had chilled their southern blood that morning on the top of Mount Washington; a physician and his wife from Conway; a trader of Burlington, and an old squire of the Green Mountains; and two young married couples, all the way from Massachusetts, on the matrimonial jaunt, Besides these strangers, the rugged county of Coos, in which we were, was represented by half a dozen wood-cutters, who had slain a bear in the forest and smitten off his paw.

There looked down upon me the faithful companion of my labours and my recreations. Every day she helped me to arrange my uncle's precious specimens; she and I labelled them together. Mademoiselle Gräuben was an accomplished mineralogist; she could have taught a few things to a savant. She was fond of investigating abstruse scientific questions.

No mineralogist had yet examined that lofty chain of mountains which, in the empire of Morocco, rises to the limits of the perpetual snow.

We were strolling along Piccadilly towards Charles's club one afternoon he is a prominent member of the Croesus, in Pall Mall when, near Burlington House, whom should we happen to knock up against but Sir Adolphus Cordery, the famous mineralogist, and leading spirit of the Royal Society! He nodded to us pleasantly.