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It is true that those who teach faith-healing, mind-cure, or any sort of religious rejuvenance, have in part taken our high tenets; but they have in each case obscured them by errors and follies of their own.

And she had been to a parlor mind-cure lecture, and to a Theosophic conversation, and to a Reading Club for the Cultivation of a Feeling for Nature through Poetry. It was all immensely solemn and earnest. And Jack wondered that the managers did not get hold of these things and put them on the stage. Nothing could draw like them. Not burlesques, though, said Edith; not in the least.

I studied mind-cure, or metaphysical healing, which strikes at the root of disease; I went into hypnotism, mesmerism, and phreno-magnetism, and the od force I don't suppose you know about the od which Reichenbach discovered." "No." "Well, it's wonderful, but mysterious. Blue blazes seen by the sensitive, and all that.

Ochorowicz, in his excellent work, Mental Suggestion, to which I am indebted for several of the ideas which follow. Within the past few years the country has been flooded by a host of books, pamphlets, and periodicals dealing with "psychotherapy" and mind-cure in general. In some ways it would be impossible to exaggerate the good which this has done.

Hardly any have the solid base of a thorough medical study, and we lose sight of them at the moment of cure and learn nothing as to their future. The books on mind-cure are calculated to make much and serious evil. I have read them with care, and have always risen from them with the sense of confusion which one would have if desired to study a pattern from the back of a piece of embroidery.

Eddy's theory that sin, sickness, and death are non-existent, she refuses to consider. Mrs. Eddy's Therapeutics Mrs. Eddy's theology is, of course, a mere derivative of her system of therapeutics, an attempt to base her peculiar variety of mind-cure upon Biblical authority. In her therapeutics there is nothing new except its extremeness.

Fenton turned back as she was entering the iron gate which between stately stone posts shut off the domain of the Frostwinches from the world, and marked with dignity the line between the dwellers on Mt. Vernon Street and the rest of the world. "Do you mean," asked she, "that you didn't know that Mrs. Crapps, the mind-cure woman, is to lecture here this afternoon?" Ashe drew back.

The rationality and philosophical truth of the mind-cure systems appeared to me irrefutable. The fundamentals of the system are indeed well laid. We know of the tremendous effects of the emotions upon the body its functions, secretions, etc. Cheering faith and optimism are assuredly great incentives to health; more than that, they are actual physiological health-stimulators.

These deeper reaches are familiar to evangelical Christianity and to what is nowadays becoming known as 'mind-cure' religion or 'new thought. The phenomenon is that of new ranges of life succeeding on our most despairing moments.