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Ben had struggled up to a sitting posture, and Merritt repeated his question as to the whereabouts of the logs, the answering of which had brought the big millman's anger upon the half-witted lad. Accordingly, Ben looked frightened, and refused to answer, but when he saw his foe still lying stretched out on the ground he said: "Logs, near, near. Under pile of slabs."

One millman's bought himself a hotel in Seattle with what he got away with. There was enough ore packed off in dinner-pails from the Bonanza Chute to heel half the men who tapped it. They were always lookin' for more of 'em. They passed through a lead of ore that would have paid expenses, on the six-hundred-foot level, and lagged it rather than hoist it out. I know!

The services were conducted as now, principally by the Senior and Junior Chaplains, the Bishop and Archdeacon occasionally taking part when in residence in Calcutta. Scott's Lane Mission was started in Bishop Millman's time, from very small beginnings, in the year 1872, by the late Mr. Parsons, former Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and myself.

Then he must have got away by going to the eastward." "For heaven's sake, how do you figure that out?" Dick asked eagerly, while the others gathered closer around, with grim, inquiring faces, and leaned corded necks forward to catch the millman's words. "I found a piece of fuse down at the power plant," he said. "See, here it is. It's a good long one.

Daunt has had half an hour for laying down the law to Morrison. And Daunt can do a whole lot of business in half an hour." "He'll only stir up Morrison's infernal scrapping spirit by laying down the law," objected Blanchard, sourly. Despeaux took both of the millman's coat lapels in his clutch.