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No one can say in how far it is possible for man to advance in this way toward an understanding of the laws of history; but it is evident that only along that path does the possibility of discovering the laws of history lie, and that as yet not a millionth part as much mental effort has been applied in this direction by historians as has been devoted to describing the actions of various kings, commanders, and ministers and propounding the historians' own reflections concerning these actions.

She could hardly bear to leave this mysterious, fascinating night; to leave off thinking the big, vague thoughts the night always called forth; but she had to light the gas and set about the business of undressing. But, first, she paused to gaze at herself in the looking-glass. For the millionth time she wished she were pretty like Kitty Allen.

"The plates into which the substance is divisible have been formed in succession, and certain intervals of time have elapsed between their formation; in general, every two contiguous laminae are separated by a thin iridescent film, varying from the three to the fifty millionth part of an inch in thickness, and producing all the various colours of thin plates which correspond to intermediate thicknesses: between some of the laminae no such film exists, probably in consequence of the interval of time between their formation being too short; and between others the film has been formed of unequal thickness.

Since the farad is far too large for practical purposes a millionth of a farad, or microfarad, whose symbol is mfd., is used. What Inductance Is.

Unfaithfulness in the least degree may result in greatest disaster. Once a ship was cast upon the rocks, and the lives of the passengers were jeopardized simply because the compass varied, it was said, a millionth part of an inch. It requires "hair-splitting" to measure a millionth part of an inch, and in certain cases it is worth while.

To think of being the two hundred and eighty-first millionth oppresses one." Lindsay listened with a look of accustomed happiness. "You weren't at that end of the ship!" he demanded. "Of course I was we all were. And some of us, little Miss Stace, for instance thankful enough at the prospect of cold meat and sardines for tea every night for a whole month. And after Suez ices for dinner on Sundays.

I tell you again, as I've told you before, I don't care for her swag you may have it. But her husband was rough on me many times he was rough on me and mainly he was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. And that ain't all. It ain't a millionth part of it! He had me HORSEWHIPPED! horsewhipped in front of the jail, like a nigger! with all the town looking on!

The senator she treated very tenderly. "I don't know. How can I tell?" she said a moment or two after the shrug. "My heart is young," said he. Zora met his eyes for the millionth part of a second and turned her head away, deeply sorry for him. The woman's instinctive look dealt instantaneous death to his hopes. It was one more enactment of the tragedy of the bald head and the gray beard.

Wall, we stayed round here a-lookin' at 'em different buildin's till dark, and then we didn't see a thousandth nor a millionth part of what wuz to be seen there. And I hain't half described its wonders and glories as I'd ort to, and one reason is, nobody can describe any of the buildin's no, not if they had the tongue of men and angels. No, they are too stupendous to describe.

The pyramid inch, again, is itself mystically connected with astronomical relations, for its length is equal to the five hundred millionth part of the earth's diameter, to a degree of exactness corresponding well with what we might expect Chaldæan astronomers to attain. Prof.