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Swinburne would be such a well, that is, such a contrast to life as we all enjoy it in our beautiful Middle-west " She saw that Mrs. Leonard Warren was not with her. She captured her by innocently continuing: "Unless perhaps Swinburne tends to be, uh, more outspoken than you, than we really like. What do you think, Mrs. Warren?"

H. H. A. Beach, whose training was received wholly in the United States, is an indication of what may be achieved in America if the right course is pursued. Conditions are changing rapidly in our country, particularly in the wonderful West and Middle-West.

"And you?" queried Hamilton of the third speaker. "Plain American," the other said simply, "born and raised in Ohio. Not a Yankee, not a Westerner, not a Southerner, nothin', jest plain Middle-West American." "Well," suggested Hamilton, "I think you chaps ought to let me put you down in the schedule here.

Wayne had said, and Katie agreed with him, that Chicago was not the place for her to start in anew. She had gone through too many hard things there. And Katie was glad for other reasons. With Wayne in Washington, she would have no more occasion to be in the middle-west and Ann would be too far away in Chicago.

He had entirely degenerated. To him the tartan had become only a piece of coloured cloth. He wore a kilt as a masquerade costume for a Hallowe'en dance, and when it rained he put on a raincoat. He was no longer Scotch. More than that, he had married a beautiful American wife, a talcum-powder blonde with a dough face and the exquisite rotundity of the packing-house district of the Middle-West.

As we live with our faces ever held open to Him, the glory of His face will be reflected in ours, and we shall be changed more and more into His image. I have frequently told the story of the jurist who lived in our middle-west country two generations ago, a confirmed but honest sceptic, and who was converted by the face of a fellow townsman.

And during this short time, what scraps of his early life he revealed! By degrees I picked up bits of his early deprivations and difficulties, if such they might be called. He had been a newspaper reporter, or had tried to be, in Kansas City, had worked in the college restaurant and laundry of the middle-West State university from which he had graduated, to help pay his way.

She was from the middle-West, and despite the fact that she was married, and that twenty-one half-blown blush roses had enwreathed her last birthday cake, she had the alert, quizzical brightness of a child who challenges everybody and everything that passes with the countersign "Why?"

Had he known how real was his jesting prophecy of danger, he would not have joked. As a rule, walrus-hunting in the Arctic is not a sport, it is a task the day's work of providing food for a village. It is as exciting as the "hog-killing day" of a middle-west farmer. The hog may run amuck of the farmer, and so may the walrus of the hunter; the chances are about equal.

Dick in his way was an actor, a tragedian of sorts, but with an element of humor, cynicism and insight which saved him from being utterly ridiculous. Like most actors, he was a great poseur. Louis, full of middle-West business men and farmers! I would not mention this particular person save that for a time he, Peter and myself were most intimately associated.